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The choice of colostomy bag: what to pay attention?
When a person is not able to control defecation. In this case there is a direct need to use a colostomy bag.
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Ðåñòàâðàöèÿ çóáîâ – ýòî âîññòàíîâëåíèå ôîðìû è ôóíêöèé ðàçðóøåííîãî çóáà. Ýñòåòè÷åñêàÿ ñòîìàòîëîãèÿ ðåøàåò ïðîáëåìû èçìåíåíèÿ ôîðìû çóáà, âûðàâíèâàíèÿ çóáîâ â ðÿäó, ñêðûòûõ ñêîëîâ è äðóãèõ ïðîáëåì
Bundle of honey: Why it happens?
Many people who love honey, ask the question: "Why honey separate during storage and does it directly on its quality?".
Removal of warts using liquid nitrogen
Warts are growths on the human body, having a viral nature. They are localized on the scalp, trunk and extremities, and mucous membranes.
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