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Zhovta kol³r - to rozluki, abo mene viruchiv gel v³db³lennya zub³v

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azka about features stand rolling – kazka tse, yak b³lshe similar to the truth about n³zh Cuzco Popelyushku, Chervona Chi Riding Hood Shrek. Char³vn³ prints³ not so easy will come one day to the Princes, yak chekaº ¿h in zacharovan³y basht³, Aje tak³ Princesa, zazvichay, Yea i scared chudoviskami …

My Istoria about char³vne perevt³lennya pochinaºtsya not h chudod³yno¿ d³ºti chi s enchantment Yabluko. My Istoria onchinaºtsya ³z banal i dosit real gel for v³db³lyuvannya zub³v!

Borotba ³z complexes

Buvayut tak³ druz³ have yakih thne ³z company, ale ve just sp³lkuºtes ³z rokami him. Zvichayno, namagayuchis v³dsunutis yakomoga Dali at sp³lkuvann³. Ale vie n³koli nav³t not think taleti ¿m: « Sonechko have you zhahlivy smor³d s company! Vil³kuy Zubi abo Hoch bi not nablizhaysya to people so blizko, if govorish & raquo ;! Chomu not you think? Bo bo¿tes ¿h obraziti. Ale Varto h³ba not Bulo bi tse zrobiti, dwellers in Lyudin CCB chance of Zhittya The Best?

I am so very in p³dl³tkovomu v³ts³ simply zdogaduvalas scho myeonYea e taka vada, yak v³dshtovhuº people. Not those dwellers mo¿ Zubi boule Distressed – I ¿h doglyadala, ale on viglyad stink boule dosit unsympathetic (tse I rozum³yu now pereglyadayuchi star³ fotograf³¿). If I tse zrozum³la, I did not fight Zi svoºyu Problems – posm³hatisya just stopped. De p³dl³tku take pennies on the mouth of chi dorog³ v³ziti up withtomatolog³v?

Vzhe to 20 rok³v in mo¿h druziv sklalos vrazhennya about Me, yak about duzhe pohmuru i litter ’ yazlivu Lyudin. Scho Well, yak³ys m³r³ stink boule prav³, Hoch end of all i Bulo vimushenoyu reakts³ºyu so bi moviti way zahistiti itself. Zavzhdi I was afraid about scho mene will dumate shits, litter svoº¿ posm³shki.

Odn³ Complex poklikat behind him i INSHI zm³ni – I began to smoke, nasl³duyuchi populyarn³shih d³vchat, dwellers, so bi moviti, stink took Me to svoº¿ kompan³¿. Evenings on the same za¿dala samotn³st chocolate, and if Pocha nabirati breaking bar – zovs³m waved her hand on yourself.

²nternet, You're Minel³kar

Zi stosunkami in zhitt³ in Me, nazhal, zovs³m not skladalos. I do not think Varto Casati chomu … However, there are a moºmu dom³ ³nternetu turned moº Zhittya at chomu in the direction of The Best!

All Pocha ³z of scho I zakohalas for dopomoga
This user. On zustr³ch³, zvichayno Well, Inot pogodzhuvalas, Ale in MEREZHI of sp³lkuvalisya Godin. To the real psychologist I'm bi n³koli in zhitt³ not p³shla – expensive that i scared spov³duvatis Lyudin, yak on you wonder i Mauger osudzhuvati. Ale lyudin³ beyond mon³toru I could rozkazati all.

Miy Novi each CCB spravzhn³m ts³litelem for poklikannyam! For a³lka m³syats³v sp³lkuvannya v³n dopom³g Meni zrozum³ti in chomu pershoprichina vs³h quiet kompleks³v, yak³ at mene Rozwi Empire for bagato rok³v. I, wants v³rte wants ni, I zrozum³la scho to pogano¿ f³guri, problems Zi healthy ’ pits to kur³nnya i to tsogo vsogo, moºyu Problems Bula spadkova vada – zhovt³ Zubi. Marvelous, vrahovuyuchi that fact, scho moºmu Tatsi tse zovs³m not Zavada zhiti povnots³nnim that schaslivim Zhittya.

Borotba ³z pershoprichinami

I read a book v³domu « spos³b easy to throw smokes » i threw d³ysno. Hto bi m³g podumati scho so simple. Ale tsogo not Bulo dostatno. I firmly vir³shila zrobiti himself with such a, Ika Buda worthy of a good Zhittya.

I do not want rozkazuvati about chudod³yn³ d³ºti – end of all bagato raz³v described in ²nternet³. I want pod³litis note yak I overcame the main reasons svo¿h kompleks³v – zhovt³ Zubi.

V³db³lyuº yak Tide

Chi v³domo you, uBili Zubi about yak in reklam³ – tse vigadki. Yea prirodn³mi not stink. However moºmu vipadku zhovtizna Bula nadm³rnoyu i viklikana Pochatkova – spadkov³styu and pot³m posilen kur³nnyam that empathy for shk³dlivih emal³ napo¿v that ¿zh³.

Alternatives Bulo bagato:

  1. Profes³yne v³db³lyuvannya zub³v dentist – spos³b good, ale ANFO expensive;
  2. Vikoristannya v³db³lyuyuchih pastes – vs³m v³domo scho not daº n³yakogo effect (end of Chudovo I know, more protyagom vs³h rok³v yak just such pastes I koristuvalas i);
  3. Vikoristannya spets³alnih Cap – efektivnosti, ale not duzhe zruchno;
  4. Gel³ for v³db³lyuvannya zub³in – my Dumka optimally var³ant but Tsey rinok perepovneny neyak³snimi products.

All the same I zupinilas on ostannomu metod³ i pridbala sob³ in aptets³ gel v³db³lyuvannya zub³v for up to 100 UAH vart³styu i … znovu rozcharuvalas. Advertising ob³tsyala efekt p³slya 4 vikoristan, while mene efektanot Bulo nav³t tod³, if I vikoristala whole package.

I bula duzhe prign³chenoyu, i vzhe not v³rila scho Hoch Meni schos dopomozhe kr³m, h³ba scho, i profes³ynogo v³db³lyuvannya expensive. In printsip³ so i happened – You're Mine ³nternet-prihilnik zrobiv Meni Podarunok – Look forward to a site on yakomu mozhna buy profes³yny (i knowledgechno dorozhchy) drug. I'm not much v³rila in those scho end of Dusty yakiys sense, that hot³la v³dmovitis od purchase, ale ¿¿ paying sama v³n – Meni deprived t³lki pov³domiti by phone at his counselor.

Gel v³db³lennya zub³v od « M³radent »

Zvichayno Well, Iduzhe not hunt koristuvalas zasobom CIM, ale Podarunok Yea Podarunok – I n³chogo not vtrachala. A pot³m …

I myself n³chogo not pom³tila. Those scho gel d³ysno Pocha d³yati I d³znalas through m³syats, if at mene asked poraditi dentist classmate. I do not zrozum³la odrazu, chomu Won pitaº. Yak viyavilos, won podumala, scho I proyshla profes³ynu cleaning zub³v have i CAME end of the reason s yako¿ have become mene tak³ « krasiv³ » Zubi.

At the moment Tsey od gel for v³db³lennya zubno¿ emal³ « M³radent » zalishalosya shte Dvi tretini!

Some sky

Teper Vzhe proyshlok³lka rok³v. I odruzhilasya Zi svo¿m ³nternet-prihilnikom – v³n Ljubivoje mene nav³t zakompleksovannost ugly i … Now I znovu scored breaking bar, Aje vag³tna Dytyna by another.

Do not those dwellers all svitu Happiness on Me fallen through the Same « M³radent » … Zvichayno Well, b³lsha merit in tsomu – direct toohana cholov³ka.

Ale at a time, if I'm in the siege in dekret³ i mene s ’ revealing an hour, I just want pod³litisya svoºyu ³stor³ºyu. D³vchata i hlopts³ – Complex – tse no reason at zamikatis sob³. Tse reason stavati The Best! All at your fingertips! Wee can compete nav³t spadkov³ wadi!

Author: Larissa N³zhina

Author: Artlife
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