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What is a "hot" keys?

, 19:23
0 2251

In order to make it convenient and fast enough to work on the computer was invented hot stemVichy. This saves time and work efficiently.

People who often work at a computer, understand what they mean. The fact that you   constantly doing the same movement with the mouse, thereby winding the extra miles. That is why it is much easier to press a set of keys. They may youperforms a completely different actions, such as: selection, cut text, undo last action, launch and close programs, move the cursor to the beginning of the document, and more. By the way, all the best you can find on the site:

Keyboard shortcuts for copying, select and move text:

In the single-step key is pressed:

  • Ctrl + A - is an allocation of text;
  • Ctrl + C - copy the object or text to the clipboard.

which is allocated:

  • Ctrl + V - paste the copiede from the clipboard;
  • Ctrl + X - Cut the text or object that is allocated and moved to the clipboard (clipboard - intermediate storage for data that is used for temporary storage when moving or copying). < / li>

Hotkeys using the site or files and movingthe document:


  • Home - move the cursor to the beginning of the text (on the site - pages);
  • End - move the cursor to the end of the text (on the site - pages);
  • Ctrl + Home - Move to the beginning of the document Courseop (online - page);
  • Ctrl + End - move the cursor to the end of the document (on the site - pages);
  • Page Down (PgDn) - move the cursor down the screen;
  • Page Up (PgUp) - move the cursor on the screen up.
Author: Artlife
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