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LCD "Alexander" in the town of Pushkin

, 16:44
0 2327

In the life of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg plays one of the most important roles. It is not only nativethe cultural capital of the state (unofficially, of course), but also one of the largest multi-center development (economic, industrial, financial, cultural, transportation, and so on. d.).

It is constantly observed an increasing concentration of urban population, including the expense of immigrants from other regionsand countries (to light always drawn people). And this fact plays in favor of the construction industry, as the ever-growing population, new families needs its own living space.

One of the most interesting newly built residential complexes in the city is the LCD « Alexander » Pushkin in paradiseONET. Despite the fact that the complex is located almost on the periphery of the area and away from the center of the city (to the nearest metro station as much as 24 km), it did not affect the transport connection: constantly ply urban and suburban trains, buses, close by are the major highways that make your trip to the city and to the rapidomfortnoy.

itself is positioned as a complex of apartments comfort class, built on brick-monolithic technology. Developers truly grandiose plans, because the complex itself is not simply a detached house - it is planned that it will be a whole neighborhood, which will be able to live up to 20,000 tainsfirs. They are also plans to build a proper infrastrukturu6 kindergartens, schools, sports center, shopping centers, clinics, hotels, in short, everything to live comfortably.

Author: Artlife
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