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What is the summary of

, 15:45
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With this term faces every student yesterday, just Groundedth at the desk of the university. It is connected primarily with the system of training of students and the nature of the presentation of information in the lectures. If the school are all accustomed to the fact that all the necessary material for the development of each is in the textbook and in the classroom all this detail chewed, then getting into the university sector, all this disappears freebie on time. By The Way,ready abstracts can be found on the website.

The university pays great attention to independent work, therefore, as such, the concept of personal tutorial does not exist: all the material is supplied in lectures and can be made up in the library. This also implies the absence of school and type of information presentation.

In the lectures the teacher conveys to students the information verbally or graphically (on a whiteboard or projector) format, as a student at this time should not only hear, perceive information, but also create abstracts of lectures in order to then, if necessary, you can refresh the memory of the material described.

In fact, the abstract is a summary of the material covered. With the concept of abstract concept is closely linked note-taking, that is, the methods for the most complete and competent notes. In practice note-taking are two main approaches or ways of performing this work:

  • direct . This is consistent, reduced (but retaining the essence of the main lecture material) data recording lectures, as she served. In the context of the lecture, it is, in fact, the only option-taking;
  • Intermediary . Notese reading material, after it becomes clear above the basic meaning and logical relationships in it.
Author: Artlife
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