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How to fit a plate made of pumpkin

, 12:25
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Summer residence area today there are many. But IPfavor it differently. Some arrange beautiful lawn, put a swing and hang a hammock, and come to the country just to relax, others throw flowers and « admire » they, and others - are engaged in a vegetable garden.   Usually, gardeners prefer to grow such crops were not whimsical to harvest to give more, and then you canof such vegetables harvested in the winter. Vegetables from the family Cucurbitaceae refer specifically to such. Most often in their suburban areas grow zucchini and squash somehow not very popular, perhaps because it requires more care. But still, this vegetable undeservedly ignored.

Patissons - not only very useful,but also have medicinal properties. These vegetables are low in calories and fiber content is large, and therefore widely used in diets. When used patissons normal metabolism, they have a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system, preventing many diseases, improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and intestines. Squash godyou starches, proteins and mineral salts and vitamins. &Nbsp;

Rules care patisonami

To get a good crop of squash, you need to properly care for them: , while adhering to some simple rules.

  1. Patissons can be sown directlyin the ground, but if you want to get an early harvest, it is necessary to grow seedlings in the greenhouse;
  2. Patissons more thermophilic than zucchini, and therefore they need to choose a place in the garden, to the sun's rays warmed them;
  3. Earth should be well-fertilize, and better organic;
  4. The seeds before planting, too, must prepare, soak them in a growth stimulator. Somewhere in the middle of April, the seeds can be sown in the ground, if you pre-grown seedlings in open ground it is planted in mid-May;
  5. The seeds should be lowered into the ground at rasstoyatsyas about two feet from each other and to a depth of 10 cm, depending on the soil. To each well is lowered by a few seeds;
  6. After emergence, the plants need to break through, leaving only one germ;
  7. Caring for plants should also squash, as well as for eachof vegetables: time to water, weed, periodically vspushivat ground. When the plant is a little older, it should okuchit;
  8. Very carefully, should be attributed to irrigation, water is necessary only at the root, avoiding contact with the ovary, as this can lead to decay;
  9. DuringI recommended to plant vegetation podzhivit several times;
  10. When bush squash fruits appear, you should make sure that they do not touch the ground.

The fruit squash is very well preserve, collect them for this small, so they can easily climb into the neckjars. Also squash can be fried, stewed, eat fresh, they are very delicate taste.

Author: Artlife
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