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Fur coat with fur - the dream of every woman

, 12:09
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Every representative of the weak and the strong floor has its own needs and dreams. If the male part nlanety oriented more on strength and power, the women in the beauty and elegance. After all, in fact, according to the men and women of this world to save the beauty and love that falls on the shoulders of women. According to this, every woman wants to look beautiful, and this character trait laid her subconscious to fulfill the mission in the world. What is neededto be the owner of a beautiful appearance? Of course, you need to take care of your face and body, but it is also important to wrap your beautiful body wrap that will provide advantages and hide flaws appearance, as if they did not. Ever since ancient times, some nobility and luxury for aristocratic and feminine image was created with a fur coatfur. And it is not surprising, because the history of costume and vintage paintings convey to the popularity of our furs, depicting the majestic people, empresses and princesses in fur coats.

old days fur

History of fur begins with the existence of primitive people,for which this thing is not considered a luxury item, and save lives. Because we all know heat and utilitarian qualities of fur. Over time, the skin of the animal to be considered as the beginning and used as a decoration in individual elements, and in general to create a fur coat. In ancient times, to get a fur coat, it was necessary to have proishSuppress a noble family and a lot of money to order a fur coat at the tailor. In those days, fur product shows the status and welfare rights. The extensive development of fashion in the direction of the fur began much later, with the advent of open cars and stars such as Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich. Only then coat gained wide popularity due to PR Gaulleoud.

Shuba in the modern world

Previously coat made entirely from natural fur, then eventually formed a movement against natural fur, expressing support and protect the rights of animals. But opinions on the natural and artificial fur section, and attention to the fur productsiyam all also remained, and many international designers offer everything a coat to meet the whims of both sides. In the fashion market fur industry can be found, as a substitute for fur and fur of animals:

  • fox;
  • mink;
  • astrakhan
  • Rabbit;
  • lynx;
  • nutria;
  • fox;
  • fox;
  • sable;
  • Beaver
  • and so on.q.

In our time,   It is not difficult to buy a fur coat, in contrast to the past, as well as the modern market offers a wide selection and   unlimited range of fur products from material selection to cut and style that allows you to choose veshchichki taste and liking of everyone.

Buying fur in KeyEve

Buying fur in the fashion capital of Ukraine always succeed, because Kiev offers a range of fur products from all kinds of materials, design concept and the famous brands. Also, shopping capital offers advice in matters of fur, fashion and style. Buying fur in Kiev promises poradovatsyas huge assortment and quality products, both in tailoring and in the fur.

Coat does not need the advertising, either through thermal performance, as well as through the appearance. After all, everything in my life has ever stare at the fur coat and thought about buying it. Also noticeable as coats owners express emotions, opening their tastesand preferences, and wrapping their special charm.

Author: Artlife
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