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What is a water diet

, 10:50
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The mankind throughout its long history, quite franklyconstantly faced with all sorts of prejudices at the level of society, which has a significant impact on the lives of so many people. To list them all meaningless, at least for the reason that a complete list of them unknown to date. Objectively, it is necessary to pay attention to those issues that are relevant today in our BPEon me.

Being overweight as a global factor

Given the level of development of our society and its heterogeneity, it is safe to assume that enough problems, but certainly one of the most pressing is the problem of excess weight. When that crazy dynamics experienced byour society on a daily basis, rather strange to hear about a problem, but this is the speaker, and it gives rise to. If you dig deeper into the root, as they say, it becomes obvious fact, when a person leaves little time for adequate food. Also making a contribution different foods that contain a huge number of chemical compoundsI. And if you add to this the sedentary life and work of so many people, it becomes obvious why we have so quickly growing belly.

Water is the cause of obesity

Weight Of course we recruit from the fact that we are conducting a wrong way of life, not eat. Habout important in all this is that we lose the water in the body (which, by the way according to various estimates 70-80% of water in its various forms). As a result, slowing metabolism and accumulate fat. We should not forget that the water contains dozens and hundreds of mineral complexes that regulate nutrition and metabolism, and without Normalnye body functions are under direct threat.

Water, as a dietary product

A lot of techniques to support the body is based on extensive use of water (1.5-2 liters per day). This allows you to maintain a normal metabolic rate and restore water losses. At the same time, we kakit is not immediately guessed that the water itself can become an excellent dietary product, which will throw off excess weight. Based on the above, this claim seems logical, but it should be clearly understood that any diet, including water - is primarily a code of conduct, strict observance of which gives the same are welcomethe first result. The main feature and advantage of this diet is that there are no restrictions at all in foods. That is, you can use all the tighter food as before, but with one significant condition that this should be done regularly observing the procedure and the amount of water consumed. According to the water diet, the best indicator of the numbert he volume is quantified in more than twenty times the mass of the body. Approach to the issue must be wisely and gradually, as if once you start drinking position, the kidney can simply not cope. It is also recommended to drink water throughout the day and especially for half an hour before meals.


Do not assume that the diet will give a phenomenal result - it needs it will still have to exert a lot of physical effort.

Author: Artlife
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