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Author clinic doctor Minutko

, 12:08
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Every modern man in the world, which is arranged with complex laws andframework of survival, sooner or later, with a certain periodicity depressed at best, and at worst, the human condition borders on mental hospital or a suicide attempt. Nowadays, everything is relative, familiar with the statistics of suicide suicide attempts or early stage of the disorder – thoughts. But the root of the problemy are just thoughts. If a person time to provide professional medical assistance, you can easily avoid personal difficulties through in-depth analysis of consciousness and subconsciousness. This will trigger a full momentum and happy life, work and relationships.

The person will feel cheerfulness, AKtiviruet forces for self-realization, to discover the world of peace and harmony. How wonderful when a person is in such a blissful state and spend their precious energy to search for the blue bird, rather than trying to get along with the relationship with the outside world, and trying to negotiate with her « I & raquo ;, loosening fear, stress, DestroyCTBA with all the consequences and symptoms.   The best way to help yourself, not to bring up at the boiling point in the emotional state, and turn to the professionals that will take you to the right for your personality.

Clinic MD Minutko

Private started its activities since 2004 and is the primary work of the medical scale as   the struggle in the full life of each who filed the patient. The clinic, headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Minutko provide medical assistance to high-profile, and overcame the disease of a different nature more than 10 000 patients. Work nrofessora VL Minutko earned numerous awards, prizes and certificates confirming high qualification and success in the work of this man as a result of high-quality treatment. Winner of many awards,   VL Minutko achieved great results in the treatment of mental disorders, which prompted the writing of several books:

  • "Alcoholism";
  • "Schizophrenia";
  • "Obsessions"
  • and so on. D.

Clinic staff

During the years of active work in the clinic this institution has gathered a lot of BPachey the highest category, which allowed the team to create the leading professionals and specialists in different fields. In this clinic doctors take different specialties:

  • endocrinologists;
  • neurologists;
  • immunologists;
  • Neuroscientists;
  • hypnotherapists
  • and so on. D.

Hospital Services

Author Minutko Clinic provides assistance in the following areas:

  • any type of dependence;
  • personality disorder;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • affective disorders
  • and so on. D.

Also, this clinic offers additionalnye services for a comfortable patient care:

  • home services;
  • online consultation.

When a patient asks for help in the clinic, the patient's primary care physician begins with a consultation to further diagnoseit issues and conclusions in the method of treatment, depending on the individual, and many other factors.

Diagnostics Methods:

  • neural test;
  • EEG;
  • Scan authorities;
  • studyie different types
  • and so on. D.

Treatment methods:

  • monotherapy;
  • light therapy;
  • training;
  • individual therapy;
  • psihoobrazsc;
  • hypnosis
  • and so on. D.


Specialists Clinic author Dr. Minutko have higher ranks and titles in the field of medical activity that brings the work to a high level of collective treatment. Innovative bydhody treatment, as well as many years of practice, combined with a personal touch for the individual and his problems with the combined treatment on the biological and psychological level, the most effective results show a full recovery of the person.

Author: Artlife
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