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Why have a headache in the temples

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Our body - is quite complicated in terms of structureand evolution of the system. It consists of a large number of small and large organs, systems, tissues, fluids, which together operate harmoniously, adequately responding to the challenges of the outside world. Nevertheless, in spite of all its excellence, our body is a part of this world, and therefore in some way integrated into it. In other words, everythingwhat is happening in our world around us, one way or another affects the body, both positively and negatively, causing sickness and disease states. One of the most common problems that faced in his life a man is the head podkrad¸tsya It occurs suddenly and quietly, creating a sometimes unbearable conditions. Thicketse common cause of pain in the temples is the occurrence of spasms and constriction of blood vessels of the brain, and the localization of the source of pain can be different. But it is not always to the same causes of pain may indicate not the increased meteosensitivity or fatigue. Sometimes the pain of a headache may indicate a more serioushealth problems, and its location puts it more in detail.

The causes of pain in his temples

Quite often a person experiences a strong and long-lasting headache in the temples, but it is not always an indication of its routine as mentioned above. Moreover, quite often, especially nWhen prolonged absence of adequate response to pain, the person may experience nausea as a parallel. So what is it that these symptoms may indicate that causes them?

1. Violation of the tone of cerebral vessels. One of the most common reasons is that blood circulation in thearterial and venous vessels. Accompanied by a parallel jumps pressure, insomnia, numbness of fingers, tinnitus, etc.
2. Autonomic dysfunction. IRR is also one of the most common causes of pain in his temples. The symptoms of this dysfunction are wide enough, because it covers the various systems of the body. SuEX can be grouped into a zone of influence on the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, nervous and other systems.
3. Increased intracranial pressure. Provokes pressurized liquid liquor accompanied by characteristic symptoms besides the known position of the head of the visual function.
4. Increased andrterialnoe pressure. Hypertension is a fairly common cause of temporal pain in older age. It is also accompanied by pain in the heart, weakness, shortness of breath, etc.
5. Atherosclerosis. This disease causes the formation of plaques in blood vessels of the temporal, and therefore leads to their narrowing and appearance of the pain.
6. Artery. Inflammation of the hullto the temporal artery causing pulsating, antispasmodic pain.
7. Migraines. The disease, which is characterized by periodic severe headaches, with no apparent reason.
8. Trigeminal neuralgia. Short-term pain attack, manifested as a result of infringement of the nerve endings.
9. Articular pathology.
10. Traumatic lesions of the head.
11. Infectious diseases.
12. Poisoning, for example, at high dose of alcohol (so-called hangover).
13. Overvoltage due to prolonged brain activity, mental work.
14. Menstruation and menopause in women.

Author: Artlife
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