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The relevance of the profession of psychologist

, 00:04
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In our time, many professions are becoming more relevant, useful and On demandnnym in the labor market. These specialties include and the profession of psychologist and psihitra. Today, as society has become more dynamic, very often there are tensions in the relationship between ordinary people in communities and families. Due to the lack of communication and increased the role of psychological knowledge. The blessing is now possible at any time we canbut sign up or psychologist and solve problems vozniknuvshey.
So, dear readers, today I want to tell you about an interesting and important, in my opinion, the profession of psychologist. And help me in this Natalia Yakuhina, Methodist education department, headingyaet psychological service.
- Natalia, please tell us about the profession of psychology and its features. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of this work?
- Relatively difficultawns, I would like to say that in the first stages of the psychologist may have trouble when the client's experience perceived as their own. But with the acquisition of experience that goes.
And so it turns out that his favorite work virtually no downsides.
- What is the responsibility of the psychologist?
- Practical psychologist helps first graders adapt to school, diagnoses availability features of the child to learn to work with a rather troubled children, knittingtoils correctional and development activity, health promotion, counseling high school students, conducts various seminars, trainings, help in the event of any direct interpersonal conflicts, helps get rid of various depressions, learns to understand the   yourself, your goals and your own desirex. For example, in our area many psychologists working in the field of education.
- And in what other institutions can work with a diploma psychologist?
- Psychologists are in great demand in the pretty Riverazlichnyh areas: educational institutions, medical institutions, law enforcement agencies, personnel management and conventional personnel management, marketing and advertising. And psychologists also work in institutions where have good psychological care to the population. You can try to find yourself in business and politics (keepings negotiations, PR). And that's not the whole list!
- I think our readers would like to know where you can learn to demand a psychologist? In what university you attended, if not secret?
- Professiyu psychologist can be obtained in many universities in Ukraine. For example, the Department of Psychology is in the Kiev National University im.T. Shevchenko Luhansk State University. Shevchenko, Donetsk National University, Zaporizhzhya National University, etc. .. Personally, I graduated from Cherkasy National University.B. Khmelnitsky.
Author: Artlife
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