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A few words about the tattoo

, 12:28
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Today we'll talk about this kind of art as a tattoo. And tell us aboutThis Constantine Chebakov - master of Moscow's best salon "Elite House Tattoo." More details about this cabin reader has tattoos, and we get to the interview.

- I started drawing since childhood, - said Konstantin. - Craving for drawing began to manifest itself in the longer school years. I never stop, like account risksamb more and more. Later, I started to go to college, met a man who was involved with tattoos. I saw this whole thing, interested. From an artistic point of view, his work was not art.

- Start was very difficult - says the master. - Internet in the 90's was not, in his hometown is currenttheir masters did not have tattoos too. In St. Petersburg he found a company that traded Chinese equipment. They sold what did not understand. First practiced on bananas, oranges, grapefruit ... Then - on friends, free practice, so to speak. When, on the development of the Internet, appeared in time full access to IP informationkusstve tattoos became increasingly learning about European and American counterparts. In their recommendations improved - both mentally and practically. And improve my equipment, - says Konstantin.

- Many say that to do a tattoo - it is a mockery. Please comment.

- At cosDenmark Tattoo pain as such, no, except for people who have a very low pain threshold (you can anesthetize). Why? Because the puncture is very small, the paint gets only the top layer of the epidermis (pigment layer), the upper layer of the skin. All capillaries are of the epidermis (the dermis), and if the needle touches deeper, itGDS pain evident, and it is certainly not the work of skilled craftsmen. With hard work, which can last more than 3-4 hours, the pain more apparent, since it is the body's reaction to the painting of a dense body. If it is a shadow job, then the proper operation of the master - it's like a kind of massage. Tatu - it is scratch. At the expense ofthe impact velocity of the needle, which reaches up to 130 times per second, the pain is minimized.

- Tell us about your present equipment

- I have a professional machine, made only to order, from Russia to see the wizard. All handmade. I say to the master characteristics, the settings that I want to be, and he is their debarks. Five tattoo machines have recently received two recent, very steep and high quality.

- And what are using paint?

- In the pigments apply only to well-known manufacturers - such as Intenze , Dynamic color, Fantasia ink., Eternal ink., KURO SUMI American and Japanese production, taking at firms presentfir trees in the Russian Federation. I listen to the recommendations of other professional tattoo artists from Europe. On the colors can not save, you have to buy the best, expensive, because it's all affect the quality of the picture, and as a consequence - on the work. Everything has to be right:

  • a quality machine;
  • quality paints;
  • quality work.

And the result is the best!

A separate issue is the sterility and various disinfectants. As each doctor, the master of the tattoo must be clean in the office, should have all the necessary disinfectants on hand, so to speak, all under the protection of the barrier. Gender wash before and after the procedures work only in disposable sterile gloves, sterile keep all tools and have ammonia and other necessary MEDPROpreparations at.

- How many finished works in your "baggage"?

- about a few thousand. Every year more and more customers, more orders. In addition, I write my original paintings on canvas. Tattoos have only gaining in popularity. I do not like to fill all sorts of inscriptions, hieroglyphs. For me it's not a tattoo, I'm not the printer... Tattoos must be a work of art. Most people are accustomed to cheap to do, to save myself. There is no exclusivity. Tattoos should attract the attention of aesthetic and perceived easily and with meaning. Go to cheap masters then most satisfied with the results of the work, then rework, spending their money, time and neryou.

I want to tattoo art developed in the Russian Federation. We should not be worse than others.

The main thing to remember: tattoos and tattooed - very different things. Tattoo - an exclusive work of art, original and unique, professionally made by a master tattoo under proper conditions and cnetsialnom equipment and tattooed - a cheap, without enthusiasm, poor-quality work carried out in unsanitary conditions unprofessional! Although ... you choose only!

Author: Artlife
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