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How to distinguish the flu from the common cold

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ARI or ARI we traditionally call: sore throat, runny nose, fever, and others.cold symptoms that appear in the autumn. So how do you distinguish a terrible flu that gives a lot of complications from a cold, it will take a couple of days after tea with raspberry and spoon of honey? Tell us about this Ivanov AP - editor of the portal, where you can read all about lung diseases.

The cause of ARI is a huge amount of viruss. There:

  • adenoviruses (lead to swelling of the tonsils and high temperature. It becomes hard to swallow and after about 2 - 3 days there is pain in the eyes. After a couple of days on the tonsils, at the corners of the eyes and throat appear grayish or white plenochki,also increased lymph nodes throughout the body and stomach ache);
  • rhinoviruses (they cause dryness of the nose and throat and sneezing. It hurts to swallow and dryness of the throat. At the 2nd stage of the nasal mucus flowing transparent and fever (up to 37 degrees, but not above));
  • parainfluenza viruses (half of the patients the disease lasts 3-6 days is mild. Its characteristic feature - a loss of voice. The patient may be hoarse or grow hoarse. In this case, hacking cough. The virus causes inflammation of the trachea and the Hortano, there can be complications in the form of sinusitis);
  • viruses (typical signs: fever, weakness, headache, high temperature (up to 39 degrees and above, which can last 3 - 4 days), aching joints and muscles, pain in the eyeballs,nose is stuffed up, throat dry and fights the common cold is almost there. In severe influenza can be: loss of consciousness, vomiting, insomnia, seizures);
  • etc. (often respiratory syncytial infection of the bronchioles and bronchi. Features of the disease: Difficultture of breath, asthma attacks with shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs).

The properties of viruses and vozmozhn³e complication

Viruses are not afraid of low temperatures (even frozen), but they quickly die during heating, ultraviolet irradiation, by variouss disinfectants. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items. The patient is always the source of infection, and it does not matter what the temperature outside. Although in truth, hypothermia is always considerably weakens our body, and it gives the virus a chance and it affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

From the immune system of the patient and the aggressiveness of the virus, the pathogen depends on the severity of the disease. Though less common than in influenza, but during cold temperature also rises to 39 degrees, is not no more than 37 - 38 degrees. The common cold and influenza are dangerous decrease in immunity. Against this background, not infrequently inoznikaet secondary bacterial infection that causes various complications. At particular risk are those who are ill to chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. And the fact that after suffering acute respiratory immune system is not stored for a long time, you can per season 3-4 times have had different viruses. Among peculiar to sezoon diseases important to distinguish the flu, resulting in a very serious complications. If you treat the flu as the common cold, you may receive the following complications: pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, cystitis.

If you are sick, and high temperature does not fall here a couple of days, or when the cold is not I went for a week and added to the current symptomsyayutsya new, then you should always consult a doctor.

Author: Artlife
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