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Cough in children: what is diagnosis

, 16:36
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Cough in baby – this is a sign of illness. In order to understand what exactly is necessary, first of all, determine the kind of cough.


What is cough?

the duration of cough is divided into:

  • acute (up to 3 weeks)
  • subacute (3 to 8 weeks)
  •  chronic (longer than 8 weeks).

Specific cough - cough, in which it is possible to clearly identify the cause.

non-specific isolated cough - constant dry cough in patients who have no other symptoms of defeat of the respiratory system (isolated cough), without any signs of chronic lung disease and in the absence of pathological changes on the roentgenogram of organs of a thorax; characterized by variability of airway obstruction, and eosinophilic airway inflammation.

Psychogenic cough includes the cough and the habit of signaling irritating cough. Cough-a habit characteristic of the recovery period, is associated with the habit of arising in the course of the disease and passes in a few weeks.

Signal cough is common in children, are indifferent to the fact that they violate the public peace by his coughing; is associated with the fact that the child, without realizing it, trying to attract the attention of others. The cough ceases during sleep or when the child focuses on it.


How is diagnosis of cough?

the Amount of diagnostic tests depends on the duration of cough (acute, subacute, chronic) and algorithms described in the surveys. When collecting history is determined by the following:

  • How and when did the cough;
  • What is the nature and characteristics of the cough;
  • the Presence of related symptoms of cough;
  • What is the triggers of a cough;
  • the Presence of a family history of respiratory diseases, atopy and other disorders;
  • Medication the child was given, what medications helped, as did the frequency and severity of cough on a background of reception of medicines;
  • Changing the cough during sleep;
  • there Are paroxysms and reprises;
  • the child is in Contact with the tobacco smoke.

the Physician determines is a medical emergency: respiratory failure or hemoptysis. When respiratory failure determine the degree of respiratory failure and diseases of the airway: patency, impaired mechanics or innervation. Medical care for respiratory failure is provided in accordance with the relevant medical and technological documents. When is hemoptysis differential diagnosis with other conditions (e.g., nose bleeding, bleeding from the mucous membranes of the oropharynx or simulation). After exclusion of emergency conditions determined by the topography of the lesion - upper or lower respiratory tract; it appears that the episode of the new, or the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Children with acute cough, with no fever, tachypnea, and physical changes in the organs of the chest are not assigned any further examination. Children with cough, which presumably is caused by aspiration of a foreign body must be aimed at bronchoscopy.

To determine the level of involvement of the respiratory tract should consider the type of shortness of breath. With the defeat of the upper respiratory tract characterized by inspiratory dyspnea. Changing the type of shortness of breath characterizes the severity of the condition or accession lesions of the lower respiratory tract. Expiratory type of dyspnea is typical for lesions of the lower respiratory tract.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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