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What is the metal?

, 15:19
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Metal is widely used in large construction industry, small construction and manufacturing sectors. It is necessary for the construction of various structures and for the laying of communication networks. Some types of metal needed in construction as a roofing material, and some is used in shipbuilding, food industry and aviation. Also the material needed for the production of railway and road transport. You can buy the steel in almost any hardware store, but not everyone knows what it is and where it is used. And tell us about it Afanasyev A. N. editor construction of the portal , which by the way you can find and purchase various metal products in the city of Krasnodar.

Metal products are various metal products. Or to be more precise, it is a metal rolling profiles, which, in turn, are called the range. After the production process every item in the range is assigned a name and they have your size.

Today, steel manufacturing is responsible and popular activity, because of the quality of the metal depends directly on the quality of the execution of different construction works. This type of activity engaged in by many companies. If to describe in brief the manufacturing process, it should be noted that for the manufacture of certain metal products, the metal needs "laminating" on a special rolling machines. Using a rotating specials. rollers the metal is crimped, whereby it is reduced in cross section and stretched. Thanks to this process, metal of the product into the desired shape, and then the finished products is already possible to implement.

Now there are a lot of different methods of production of metal products, though the large majority of metallurgical enterprises that produce these products, used by rolled metal. If we compare car with other kinds of production of metal products, it can be noted that it is: relatively inexpensive, very popular and the most common.

If you consider the rental mettala, it is carried out in different ways (depending on the physical properties of the metal). For example, if you want to process high-ductility metal or to produce the thinnest sheet metal, then use the rolling method.

Prices for metal products vary depending on the quality of product output and production methods.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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