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Scho Takeo uterine fibroids

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uterine Fibroids - CE napolitana dobrotka, hormone-fallow Pulina m Azovo tunic of the uterus, the myometrium. Terms uterine fibroids most of vyznani, and other titles C tumor - lamama, fbram, fbram. Let's talk about more detail about Dhanna zacharovanna the first rozkazhe us about Gogo Honoured lcar Black of Ukraine Stepan tomovic - spivrobitnyky Uzhgorodska clunky Blake: .


who sustris?

Castle for the other denim zacharovanna stradaut women older than 30 years - 15-17 %. Viyavlennya momi of the uterus to the period of stateboro dosane sustris Beland rdquo.


Through what Vinica?

To factors, that spruyt vinksnenu zakhvoryuvan, otnosjatsja:

  • hormonal porsenna;
  • PSNI the cob menstruation (15 years later)
  • rasn menstrual;
  • travaux factory;
  • stuck aborti;
  • lkovalenko-dagnostics vistablanca Poronin cancer;
  • stateva pecca (glamos, scrapless, ureaplasmosis);
  • porsenna muneto;
  • genetic shelist.

Yak Bova fibroids?

tili cancer:

  • MGM Yazov ABO intramurally;
  • passova ABO subcanopy;
  • pgacaravan or subserous;
  • chyikova uterine fibroids.

When trostan momi W Ninh vdlv body of the uterus puchline can rostropoviches sacarino (saharienne uterine fibroids), between the sheets shiroko regard ASCI (mismatche uterine fibroids). For Mami of the uterus is more characteristic of mnozina zrostannya (decline wuslu rsno velicine).


 Scho turbo?

  • BL at Ninh vddlo belly and paperco. Bol can be postanime, yukimi, pastrimi, pereiopods;
  • cravatica at wyglad rasnic, trevali menstruation ABO acyclic matkovich crow quintet Velen;
  • porsenna functions susanh enforcement: sieciowego mhura (prisorine ABO utrudnione setsavepoint), Premo intestine (utrudnienia act defeats);
  • zrostannya tumor (the size of the uterus during mom vimret at teenah watnot. For the fast zrostannya primaute desired increase . rozmov for year 5 tiinv).

Yak lculate?

Lguana hvorih myoma balatonhenye the first zaleite from VCU panci, somatica zakhvoryuvan, localsec monotonic wuslu, osoblivosti growth of the uterus momy I necessary in: problems of reproductive functions.


Methods lguana momi cancer:

Medicamentosa lguana:

  • hormone therapy (spamaway on pregnan functions acntv I, Yak naslon, pripinaniya growth monotonic wuslu);
  • negormonalna therapy (spamaway, generally, level clinic proav momi of the uterus . " uskladnenie).

Chirurgie lguana:

  • extirpate of the uterus (gastrectomy);
  • the
  • nedpho amputation of the uterus;
  • the
  • conservative operation W vidalina wuslu Mami with zberezhennya of the uterus (mammectomy);
  • the
  • embalses matkovich arteries - rentgenology control the city where stuco blockage Sudin, what Gulati musli momi and prizvodit before they digit zmenshennya.


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Author: Artlife
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