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Syphilis in men

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syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted sexually, it is. Source of infection of this disease is pale Treponema (sometimes called "Treponema pallidum").

the Initial symptoms of syphilis in men to see is not so easy. Most often it is the first stage of the disease manifests itself as a painless sore character that has a reddish hue and a soft and rounded shape. More information can be found on the website: .


the affected Area happens in these places:

  •     At the head of this male organ, as a member
  • the
  •     On the trunk of it's body;
  • the
  •     In the urethra
  • the
  •     In the anus.

the size of the sores can sometimes be four centimeters, but the usual sizes – 1-2 cm. This sore (chancre) is very dangerous for the reason that she was contagious.

a Good indication of the chancre is that it may disappear without any treatment, and then again appear again. Rarely the disease may have  swelling and induration of the foreskin (in other words it is a phimosis). In the case when the first symptoms of syphilis in men are directly attracted attention, the disease will develop more and more. Accordingly, the treatment will be much more difficult.   


 Manifestation of syphilis in men  

 Syphilis has a couple of stages which proceed almost identically as in men and women.

first stage appears the so called chancre. It is very similar to a pimple or has the appearance of open sores. The chancre itself is painless and does not require special attention. Highlight shankri very contagious.

Second stage this disease may occur after a couple of weeks (6-9) once the disease began to develop rapidly. During this time, the chancre may disappear, and the causative agent of the disease, it is about treponeme, starting currents of blood spread throughout the human body. On the feet, hands or entire body, you can see the rash. It is very similar to a hard chancre, that is no less than contagious.


How to cure syphilis in men?  

the Most reliable drug to treat syphilis at all stages of this disease is considered to penicillin. Before you begin treatment, first and foremost, you need to tell in a simple way about needs analysis again. This must be done in order to show the confidence that the recovery will be very effective.

If all clinical studies provide satisfactory results for two years after you finish treatment, the need for future monitoring will disappear entirely and the patient to report that it cured.

At relapse of the disease need to undergo another course of treatment, but with a much greater use of antibiotics. But, it is important to remember that there are the possibility that the emergence of infections will happen again. 

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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