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Causes of vaginal discomfort

, 18:45
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Every woman wants to be healthy and feel good, especially the genital areas. But a large number of causes of intimate discomfort directly in the genital area do not give to do. Therefore, these causes reduce to three main problems or item groups. Today we will talk about each one in detail.


Gynecological problems

the Reasons for the emergence of itching in the vagina, primarily associated with various inflammatory processes. They appear for a reason which is connected with the vulnerability during sex, and act as a signal of occurrence of diseases that are sexually transmitted. In General, the disease is called bacterial vaginosis in itself is the most popular among the women of childbearing age. By the way, many women in treatment started using Cicatridina, which is a suppository for vaginal use. More information can be found on the website: .

change of the vaginal flora normally contains:

  • Inflammatory processes related to cervical cancer;
  • the
  • the Processes of an inflammatory nature, which are fungal nature;
  • the
  • diseases of the urogenital tract, which may have been transferred before.

Internal medicine women's body

Dryness and itching, which women feel in the vagina are caused by diseases of internal organs. Female sex organs work to get rid of all kinds of outside bacteria. But it also happens that  the discomfort over time, not even when you started to diligently use means of intimate hygiene every day.

In this case it is necessary to go to the doctor. It may be that the dryness, itching and burning bodies caused by:

  • Infection, which refers to urinary tract;
  • the
  • Diseases of the rectum;
  • the
  • Endocrine abnormalities etc.
  • the
  • non-infectious factors (allergies; various kinds of irritation; diseases of the skin).

Psychological causes of vaginal discomfort

Psychological phenomena that affect vaginal discomfort is:

  • Stress
  • the
  • Depression;
  • the
  • Fears
  • the
  • breakdown.

the Response to a complex kind of life situation is always different. Most girls complain that they have vaginal discomfort arose after experiencing their stress, for example, on the robot. Itching directly on the nervous system sometimes feel so outgrown in the chronic form.


Dry and itchy vagina: causes

Dryness in the vagina usually occurs during sex, especially when the woman is not fully aroused. The friction of the penis on the walls of the female vagina, each time causing more irritation. This negative experience leads to the fact that many women have a psychological problem of fear to start any sexual relationship. The conclusion that there is this cause itching possible only after will be ready examination of other systemic diseases.

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Author: Artlife
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