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Dog training: all the new skills

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In a large dog training world now there are so many different systems of training. This huge variability is determined not only by the diversity of all tasks, but also a good individual and subjective vision of the possibilities of solving common problems. And since now in our world there is no perfection.  And, in my opinion, no harm will very carefully look at the good recommendations of the modern dog specialists, and to evaluate the pros or cons of the approach to the dogs, and, based on these assessments, you need a good – to learn, and all the bad things – to drop it and never more it not to dig. And tell us about it Semenov A. K. - employee, and Playground for dog training "ÇîîÄÎÌ72".

OKD (General course of training)

This unique course pretty well-known in our country since Soviet times. He includes a small list of good management skills of the dog is necessary for its further rapid and effective training to all special service skills.

Mongering (sports training)

This is one of the challenging sport and the most beautiful training areas. It always consists of a large number is very difficult arranged between different elements. Thus, on a simple view of its creators, it is always the dogs will need at the same time as  an exercise of ingenuity, and skill, and great courage, and of a very high level of automaticity of all of the action achieved a very long and very hard training.


Now the most important not only official, but also a good Amateur and a special training your dogs. Moreover, even if a service unique direction has its own, very strictly regulated framework, it is the Amateur direction just limited to  the criminal code, as well as a huge imagination and common sense of the dog's owner.

Sports and special exercises for dogs

difficult In the sports section and high quality special exercise you are asked to consider how modern sport dog training discipline and specific drills, and then critically evaluate them, first, through the unique prism of practical application and ultimate effect. It is in advance people are aware that such a Frank pragmatism and utility unique approach to this issue quickly can cause the modern reader some protest. 

There are so many different kinds of competitions for dogs:

  • Agility. This is becoming a competition well-trained dogs. The essence of this agility that the scientific Explorer must quickly carry out his trained dog in difficult special track, where there are always a variety of shells and the dog has to cross these shells;
  • Frisbee. Literally it is "Frisbee" is translated as "bee". Although this is a simple little fishing on the fly "flying" plates. When one dog starts the disc, and the dog naturally catches it on the fly in a nice jump and brings his master demonstrating very good apportionme;
  • Dehulling. Another unique and quite original view of different canine competitions – dehulling. This tug of war between trained dogs.

Remember that you can do anything it always loved your four-legged friend.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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