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All about folk medicine: antiquity to our day

, 15:08
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“Official” of folk medicine and growing from one source – intuitive knowledge that kasayutsya properties of herbs, minerals, water and different kinds of diets. The rudiments of this knowledge are many wild animals – they can lick the wounds, cleaning them well, can give up any food if I don't feel well, lying in many medicinal mud. Ancient people, oddly enough, was treated in the same way… It did not yet begun to apply surgery and various magical healing rituals. By the way, today you can purchase at:


How effective was considered their medication and methods to treat?

In the majority of well-known shamans, healers and bone-setters you never saw b laboratories or medical textbooks. All the knowledge usually transmitted orally from mother to daughter, from experienced mentor to student, while not changing the recipe. While all the "official" medics were already on the path of progress, i.e. well comprehend the anatomy and physiology of mankind, inventing all new and new medications or instruments, traditional healers never cheated on my grandmother's remedies that were considered for many years proven.


What methods were the most popular among traditional healers in different countries?

  • Herbs

In the first place – it was grass. Plants are usually rubbed, to taste, to chew, to smoke, to dry, to insist on the fault, the fat or blood of animals. Often sprinkled on fresh wounds by the powder that made from the leaves and applied the bark of some trees. Used as a harmless and a dangerous weed. Often all the "green medicine" was used only for the intended purpose – a huge number of modern medicines today and has directly of vegetable origin.

  • Medicine animals

the Medicines of animal origin and up to today are highly valued in many countries, e.g. in Africa, Asia and even Australia. Especially well this can be seen among the nomadic tribes and pastoralists. Shamans and witches are usually recommended to drink milk, blood, and bile of many animals, and also said that it is useful to put fresh liver or lubricate yourself with grease. Sometimes they claimed that it was necessary to take the powder from the horns and has everything that was in the stomach of a bear or deer, just killed.

  • Massage, bonesetting and physical therapy

Massage, bonesetting and physiotherapy (here usually includes rubbing, kneading and smoothing) has long been familiar to almost all healers of the world – starting from and ending with Siberia to Polynesia. They use different kinds of technologies in Arab countries applied the massage is heels, Tahitian – with the whole body, the Japanese – small stones, from the Chinese – massage points.

  • Burning and fumigation

Burning and fumigation – are considered as very ancient methods of treatment. In Europe they are not popular bili, but in China and Asian countries - has become a big industry traditional medicine – with the help of many burning sticks and various columns, which were made out of a huge number of herbs that can restore vital energy.

  • Bath

the Bath for treatment is usually was used by many Nations, which, of course, managed to invent. In hot, humid or dry steam was used to treat diseases such as:

  1. Fever
  2. the
  3. aching joints or the spine;
  4. the
  5. And also to reduce a hernia, and even to accept delivery.

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Author: Artlife
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