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Hotel services: Hospitality Management

, 00:40
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Ivanov Ya - an employee at raskazhetm of gostinnichnom economy and its advantages. And so - the hotel industry is a major factor, and often the main component of the usual tourist infrastructure, plays a leading role rather it is in the presentation of the national elementary tourism product on the big global tourism market. This area in general tomplekse tourist services is often the world economy is developing quite rapidly in the near future, according to forecasts of a pretty well-known professional societies, may even be the most important sector of tourism activities.
Status simple hotel industry influenceis on the normal development of the tourism industry as a whole is, the creation of tourist services, other key fairly large segments of the economy - transport,   communications, construction, trade, etc .. Thus, the creation of high-performance is the hotel industry.
Scope of hotel services, you can seeate to say that this is the main component of the tourism business, namely financial resources, employees who participate. Hotel service is developing quite rapidly, despite various obstacles. Whole range of services include hotel rooms and good service for tourists   service plays pleased withno big role, it depends on him the reputation of the hotel. Hotel rooms must beat created with comfort and then people will increasingly go to your hotel. But it is also important to trained personnel, because much depends on the administrator who should be well   to understand what a man wants, it is desirable in other languages, and make the most esecond stay a pleasant one. In order to solve the most simple maintenance tasks guests to be able to maintain their competitive position must have a good knowledge and improve them over time.
Author: Artlife
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