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What is liquid Wallpaper?

, 22:10
0 2323

Liquid Wallpaper on the world construction market more recently known, but, despite this, they were able to take first place among the many materials that are used for the walls.

Liquid Wallpaper is a mixture that consists of high-quality dyes, natural fibers of cotton and cellulose. Due to the fact that these Wallpapers are purely natural nature, they do not produce toxins and are suitable for those people who are allergic to dust. By the way, you can buy here at competitive prices:


Main "+" liquid Wallpaper I think:

  • Liquid Wallpaper will never fade and will not absorb odors;
  • the
  • They also don't tear or crumple. This is due to the fact that they have an elastic structure;
  • the
  • Pollution they emit is very simple with a normal eraser;
  • Wallpaper is often used in office and residential premises. They look great in the kitchen or in the bathroom; the

  • these Wallpapers are characterized by their microporous structure, so that in the room where they hung a great level of insulation;
  • the
  • Liquid Wallpaper can regulate the humidity level, that is, they are very moisture resistant. For example, in the bathroom completely disappear the Windows to mist up. But you have to be very careful with the water. If it gets on these Wallpapers, they immediately get soaked;
  • the
  • Liquid Wallpaper glue on the ceiling, tubes and batteries, in advance Seitalieva them. It is necessary conducts to the metal could rust;
  • the
  • Wallpapers perfectly hide all the uncertainty of the walls.

Main "-" liquid Wallpaper:


    this Wallpaper is definitely applied only on a smooth wall. In this drawback, they are inferior to fiberglass.



so, now you know why you should choose liquid Wallpaper, their main advantages and one disadvantage. Recommended to buy such Wallpaper, if you want to save your health and the health of their children. Good luck in the choice and quality of shopping!

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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