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Dental implants: what it is

, 20:36
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Implantation - the establishment of an artificial root (or implant) as a support for a crown. This method has long been very well established. Compared to bridges to implants is a major advantage - the adjacent teeth do not grind smooth. Installing one implant in a standard variant often takes no more than 30 minutes.

dental Implants are usually installed in the place of those teeth which are missing through the gums into the bone. Then after 3 months on the bottom, or after 5 months in the upper jaw (the average length) is the prosthesis on these implants. All this time, you can't see them in the mouth. The minimum period of service of any implant that the doctors hope when the installation is about 10-12 years. But this does not mean that after this time there's a problem, because almost 85% of the implants always live up to 25 years of age. By the way, if you are interested in more information you can find on the website:


In practice, many well-known clinics use different types of implants:

Alpha Dent (PR-VA, Israel). The hallmark of Alpha Dent implants is a 3D surface. Such a surface is itself active and hydrophilic, but also it has a distinct layered microporous structure, and stimulates active bone growth throughout the implant surface. Besides it is the most popular form of dental implants in the ratio quality-price.

Blue Sky company Bredent (PR-VA Germany). Company Bredent has successfully established itself on the market of dental equipment. Bredent Sky implants from German quality guarantee.

Straumann (PR-VA Switzerland), is a market leader in implants. Implants Straumann set even if you have diabetes, hepatitis, etc. today, they are the best on the world market of dental implants.

of Course, nothing can replace a healthy tooth, but if an accident or some dental disease has resulted in lost teeth, I want to let you know that there are good ways of restoring Your smile is dental implants.


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Author: Artlife
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