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Young families will give credit for apartments

, 19:10
0 1677

Loans provide an important part in the life of every person. When we are talking about , there is, unfortunately, one of the correct answers will not do. The fact is that in world practice there is no unequivocal answer to the question: what are the loans.

Today it is not so important, because many people who have repeatedly faced with the banks, probably already know what they need can be provided by the Bank and on what grounds. So today we'll learn about a completely new loan for young people.

Recall that the essence of this program is that by providing soft loans to young families will be able to get free housing. And as we all know, it is very difficult in our country.

Here is what the Chairman of the budget Committee Vitaly Persheguba in Exactly:
We hope that in March the country's budget will be reconsidered and the funds will be allocated. A small amount of money is provided and in our city budget. As far as it will allow young people to get housing - it is difficult to say. Therefore, in the opinion of the members of the budget Committee, in this situation, more relevant would be the payment of interest.

As noted by members of the standing budget Committee of the Rovno Rada, the payment of interest funds from the state budget allocated. It remains to bring to the Rivne youth information on this program, you can get a loan. We will remind, last year in the streets of Gagarin and D. had built a house on 48 apartments, of which 37 get young families.



it is Good that the state cares about its people, particularly the young. Of course, that not only do they need to get a Bank loan at almost no interest. But still, our country is trying to step ahead among the other countries of the world. Good luck to us!

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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