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Flags of the street: winder

, 21:24
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outdoor flags to date, the most common among the many types of flags. They are also one of the important components of the image of the company which respects and values. This is especially true when conducting various business meetings, celebrations, promotions, etc.

Main technical characteristics of the materials allow you to work the flags even in adverse weather conditions, that is, when it is raining or there are strong gusts of wind.  the best place to buy outdoor flags, which are made of special wear-resistant fabric, it features polyester flag mesh.


Winder: key features

the Flag-sail (or in other words vinder) belong to the category of street flags and it is now gaining huge popularity. itself is lightweight, very mobile and comfortable to use in those places where outreach activities: promotions, competitions, festivals, exhibitions.  Even with a small wind flag sail in motion and you can see it at any distance.

Considering the special application of the outside, the flag-sail (winder) is made from a very lightweight abrasion-resistant fabric, which in itself is resistant to strong gusts of wind and even a small friction-polyester flag mesh. Outdoor flag, designed for the flagpole is in form of a type “Feather”, and type “Drop”.  the Flag-sail (vinder) is of any desired dimensions, and, incidentally, can be washed and ironed.

Winder, in contrast to other known to his fellows, that is street flagpoles, primarily distinguished by the mobility and ease in the installation process.  they are Installed in the premises (usually used weight plate) and on the street (here use weight plate or a famous pin-screw ).


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Author: Artlife
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