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What are Robit yakscho you strla have vous?

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Often, perepady weather minds negatively poznachayutsya on our health*. Chergova saluda can lead to pain in strlang was. However not only vrpn NFCC yea the main reason strlang sick. Razglyadev more details, chomu STRs have UUS scho are Robit in taqiy situat I Yak likuvati? More details about TSE mozhna procitati .


Causes ‘stolaini” in bus

as a rule, prostrel have kids and doroslih mozhut tvoryatsya in Poronin soundnode, serednioho ABO nutrio Vuh. Razberemsa, s yakih mozhut reasons spottergijs prostrel in okremih casting Vuh.

Middle zakhvoryuvan soundname Vuh, that velichayut “streljacina”, can fidelity:

  • eczema;
  • celular;
  • Sunny otitis.

Eczema - hronca scrne zacharovanna, Yak posits in the region soundname auditory passage. Vilicity the eczema can vpliv whether yakih Hmong rechovin, ABO alergy reaction. In addition scrne zacharovanna razvivatsa vneslo trivalic gnini Velen s Vuh.

Scho vdtuv hvori:

  • stronger Swarna;
  • lousanna;
  • pacerone;
  • nobracket;
  • bubble.

ecsem Yak Taco stolaini in was not spostati, ale zacharovanna otnositsa to the book: the quiet, in yakih Mauger otvoriti Danian symptom.

Celular Mauger, Pragati wusnu the sink. Thus, hvori vdtuv tak simptomi, Yak
slimena in the region Vesna rakoviny;
nobracket of Danin;
“streljacina” in bus.

Zacharovanna Mauger priynyati gastro form, Yak nazivaetsa - “face”. The reasons for this is zacharovanna otnosjatsja:

  • sadna I trdina in vesni rakovin;
  • arose.

Via mkrothman pronica pecca. Zaymatysya Samana in this case strictly zaboronen, naksha srota rizik utvorennya uskladnenie.

Vilicity utvorennya soundname otitis mozhut tak chinnici:

  • travmi auditory passage;
  • wrong Vesna cleaning;
  • popaganda water;
  • zapalenia in the region soundname auditory passage;
  • align reacts.

Nepravilna I poberezhna Cesena Vuh vatnymi Palicki , odno s most popular reasons soundname otitis.

Scho vdtuv hvori:

  • Vorobieva streljacina in bus;
  • swerve;
  • pacerone in bus;
  • nobracket of Danin;
  • gnun Velena.

Yak tilki ve vdcol Dan simptomi, immediately address verticasa to ENT lcara, that who will appoint the attending the correct treatment.

Seredn vuho priznachena for dwellers vrundavana vnutri tisk z atmosfernom. Have Razi, yakscho Vern Dialin way znahoditsya in suganuma Stani (at NIIT), Poronin serednioho Vuh vdbase nakopitelny exudate (rdini ABO slisu). If all znahodytsya in norm, exudate Salish Poronino serednioho Vuh vstahum through the pipe. If rdina salissa to Serenoa was, in this case hvori vdtuv prostran in bus.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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