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Scho Takeo orthodontics?

, 22:36
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Orthodontics - TSE rozdl Stomatolog, prisvyacheno Virunga SUBW I vibraplane bite. Known that scho vzhe rokiv 400 to Nacho Yeri people numeralia virunvee zoubi, about TSE SWAT Snyder record Gport. Newcome, naslite efektivnim Buli sprobe that hour, but in contemporary orthodontics pokazuka programshow results. Big kupcinet I razreshenii subv, plnbn CLA, nepravilna preresonance subv, canyon mizh frontalini teeth - VSI TSI, defecti tooth row ciogodnichnyu hour can easily of vypravit for DOPOMOGA braces. By the way, ODN s nycrama services of orthodontist in Krasnodar Radauti "Krasnodarskomu medychne center": .


Scho Takeo bracket system?

Briketi - TSE system for vibraplane bite verbnoun SUBW ), a Trammel small samkv-Latur scho prikreplyaet to subv, skrylnyk mizh him regulatoy arc. Arc znahodytsya in posting naprous, zavdyaki chomu position SUBW virungas. Taqiy the basic principle of work vsih braces, ale snout some vdnet. Nonna in braces peredacha regularne vdduv dentist, that spostarla for cold verbnoun I koigu tightness of the arc. INSHI W briketi blastovin in principle samoregulyacii arc, I vddat cabnet dentist need rdse, than in the pershoho case.

Rsement later for bracketv Vraja: metalaw , a, a plastikov, I keramon, I nevidim sapfo, I kolorov for kids. Varto rospoli about skin dateline:

  • klasyczny option - metalaw laturi s nkel of titanovyh splavov. Some party uvajaut scho tag bracket system, nedostatek estetichno vigladit, however, TSE spree power, and mcnasty tsogo material, certainly, blsa, than at whether yakih NSA for braces;
  • Nabagato better vigladit Metelev briketi iz zolotim napyleniem, I often vibiraut dorok people;
  • Keramon sapru briketi zabezpechiti visok estetic quality. Stuck Sappi, vykarystouvac for later, mayut the same pokaznyk Salamina plastic scho I ljudska Selina. The fact TAC briketi practical neport on the teeth;
  • Bretti for kids to dosit often rablet kolorowej, dytyna not aromatise I wear h practical Yak embellishment.

Yaki briketi b VI not vibrat - TSE the correct rsena, after run zoubi - navalesi element krasivo pesky!

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Author: Artlife
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