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Priznachennya I ViDi the dining rooms Pribor

, 21:35
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You dovodilos baciti povnistyu servirovane for VSM the rules table the consular service table? If so, then of course, UI VI, though maºte usuala wallenda about Qiu Scavo science. So, besides the Yak science right vivanna RSNA vidv I stolovi consular service of the I not Nazis. At nomu ., a svo? rules Yak in whether yaky nauz, I pin the first lachey for the correct zastosuvannya yakih, perform to Diego wrogo rsena.

Lyudin W neobau big resonantly the dining rooms priladiv bilya tarlok scho mayut nachebto Shoe Risi, ale rtne priznachennya - Mauger zagnati in glukhi Kut I of postaviti in nesrecna Outpost.

So chomu would not know h character RISS I priznachennya in advance. I respost us about TSE spivrobitnyky Internet store in yakomu wee can pridbati accn stolow pribori in KIV.


Osnovne stolow prelude ndial aristofane

Stink to stanovlenii nails for clcct group predmetu for servirovke ndial msca at the table. Razreshayutsya such oznakama:



  • Pochnemo s nails I golovno spoons in the refectory Servoz ndial msca - TSE table spoon. To log in to the main warehouse dining set I priznaetsa for first bleed. Got zlegka withotu form. Mauger Buti vikoristannya for nakladany I iz zagalna Tarski in the NKVD;
  • Dessert spoon / other for Rosman, troch mensou for stolova I more okruglo formation. Priznachena won for deserts, and also according bleed, that are served in a deep small diameter cups (broth, fruktov salati). To log in to the warehouse a groupie “desert priori”;
  • Spoon mocha has got everyone knows, what does vday look similar from dining, ale Mensa rozmow, in typical git mi nazywam . chinoy. Priznachena won for rasmusena cukru in CA, CAV mocha have high bottle;
  • Nimensa I wykonawca odnako options s “China" spoon - TSE kawawa spoon. So Yak kawawa Cup got nabagato mens rosmi, than China then of course, scho for a comfortable pachavana neophane little spoon.

Nozhi I fork

Plug - TSE Nicolini stolovi device, yaky got svo? character features for skin mind tverdo g. Practical skin form plugs in zastosovuyutsya par s knife

  • Table plug in standard variant got Vier gastro zatochena zubza I dowgin always guilty Vdovin stolovi logic. Ale obov'yazkovo got the bootie korotkow knife. Stolovi than got broad form I. Mauger mother on CNC, sherbini for krasovo Rosana tverdo g. Table fork so needless Yak I spoon Mauger samnewali special. prelude when roslagen g for tarlach;
  • Zakuson than I plug the toil troch less then davino, than stolow, ale takozh fork of the Yak I got in the dining Varant Vier subs guilty Buti mensou from the knife, rather than for snacks Varanasi from the table more Sweeney to CNCA form;
  • Dessert fork , tretow for Rosman I predstavlja in par s knife NaBr, priznachena for desertic bleed, that it rozdelit on Chastain. Mauger Buti W chotima ABO of Troma Subname whichever from the design. Won Sirsa in snow, than table I snack forks. Deserti than Mauger Buti Dowson fork ABO odd s her, dourine whichever from podany bleed I mother Agostini CNIC;
  • Plug I ribnik other than to bleed rsquo varanytsia from opisanych wise prilad, that splatty Qiu couple, z yakimas Hemi widelly I knife duzhe vazhko, I zavdyaki h vdnk the rice I sapam atopouse stink, nabagato likely. Plug got Vier subs, ale polyblend mizh craine teeth nabagato korotshe, than mizh serene Subname. I design dozvola easy docreate ibne file from cstock. Than for ribnik bleed got laptopto form;
  • Dopamine nazivajut ti nozhi I wide?ki, that always vykorystovuyutsia lachey for perekladka I s sahalina Tarski in the NKVD ABO pevnyi vivanna jogos dishes;
  • Kokota plug not got in par knife I zastosovuyutsya for vivanna pevny vidv other bleed kotri required rozrzadu;
  • Plug for morskih moluscs got 3-ri subc, 1-in, s yakih more wide. Same Tsey subete dozvola which is very convenient docreate m yakot from shells;
  • Dosub plug W short handle vykorystovuyutsia for perekladka Oseledets, and for NSA moreproduct (Krabi, Omari, shrimp) vykorystovuyutsia dosub fork s dougou handle;
  • Sprat fork zastosovuyutsya for peremen ribnik konservu ABO sprat s General meals in the NKVD Telco. , 5-th subv mayut sageline z'ºdnannya scho dozvola of conservany rib not deformatia when peremen;
  • To dopamine now also otnosatsa ti s yakih DOPOMOGA razreshitsya on Chastain pevnyi product.

Rules roztashuvannya

VSI videopier stolow pribori villagewise on the table in pevnyi order . navti if you vajko sapam remembered priznachennya koino fork, knife or spoon to separate roztashuvannya h on stool can clcom sapam remembered polst h vikoristannya.

Number of dining rooms priladiv always zaleite from resonantsoft bleed I rozkladaci I have nastupnogo order: nozhi th spoon rastasoft pravoruch from Tarlac ABO Tarski and plugs for lwu side. And priladi order dishes of Yak bude podujatia Perche, rastasoft at the edges. That is, napriklad, yakscho persou pit scho to podobatymetsya - will snacks, by krayne from Tarski will, legate zakusochnyh than I plug, and after them will, legate stolow than I plug yakscho nastepnym for CERs will, podavati friend and further.

Coastwise with such a small pakathu can navti not vivaci VSI ViDi ndial the dining rooms priladiv clam in swfsc them christinia.

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Author: Artlife
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