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Chronic pancreatitis: what is it?

, 13:05
0 2417

Chronic pancreatitis is called inflammatory process, which originated and razvernulsya directly in the pancreas, causing violation of local produce hormones, and enzymes.

with the development of the disease the pancreatic enzymes destroy the tissue of pancreas. Simply put, the enzymes designed to digest food, help "to digest" of the pancreas itself.


types of pancreatitis

There are 3 forms of the disease:

  • Sharp. The cause can be: a rich alcoholic drink, poisoning, and complications of mumps. For this form of pancreatitis is characterized by sudden, paroxysmal deterioration, there is a very big risk of irreversible changes in the pancreas, in a short time;
  • Chronic. The cause may be: overeating, regular consumption of harmful and fat food, the intake of alcohol, the presence of certain diseases (DPK, pathologies of the gallbladder, autoimmune, etc.). In the majority of cases, is the result of not timely cured acute form of the disease;
  • Jet. Poyavletsya as a result of acute conditions, 1-th of the digestive tract. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is very dangerous, because appearing inflammation can lead to gradual replacement of tissue in the pancreas of scar or fat tissue and can cause a necrosis of the predominant part of the pancreas.

chronic pancreatitis

Now is the acute form of chronic pancreatitis is treated using 3 methods:

  1. cold;
  2. by hunger;
  3. peace.

the Patient shows a bed rest and complete rest. In addition, for 3 days from the beginning of the attack need to completely give up food. The patient can only liberally and frequently to drink pure water. And the inflammation and swelling usually removed by applying hot water bottles with ice directly on the area of the patient's cancer.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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