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The most popular products for children

, 12:58
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today, the world market of goods for children makes millions. It develops so fast that nowadays it is possible to purchase everything, including what you do not even suspect. For example, before the child has acquired a crib, a stroller, toys and clothes, and today this list we can expand up to infinity. Now popular to buy cars for children, children PC, toy robots and even bracelets to monitor a child's location with built-in microphone for listening. But among this diversity there is still those products that are most in demand among buyers. It is about them m?'ll talk further. By the way, in Astana to purchase goods for children you can .


TOP-6 products for children, which are ordered on the Internet

    Shoes and clothes. 2-ve data categories of goods for children have collectively 40 % of all sales. Buy shoes 18 % of all cases, and clothing – in 18 %. Baby shoes and clothing are 2 product categories that have the feature to wear out very quickly due to the active exploitation and maturation of the child. The most popular brands of children's clothes are Hello Kitty, Kerri, Next, CHICCO;

    Toys. For the purchase of toys account for 25 % of all purchases. Among 100 % toys: toys-transformers accounts for 13 % of all sales on designers - 15 %, in the interactive toy - 18% on dolls - 25% and 29 % for everything else. Sales leaders are educational designers "Lego";

    Children's cosmetics and care products. This includes: oil, wet and dry wipes, diapers, powder, and cream. Item number one, of course, are the diapers. They need anywhere, anytime and in huge quantities;

    Wheelchair. Purchase baby stroller occurs 1-in high – 2 island times, if you include the model for walking. Very popular today are wheelchair-level, because they can easily convert into a stroller option, for example, the model of "Peg Perego";

    Children's furniture. Often roditeli buy baby cots, high chairs (including a model for feeding), tables, playpens. The most popular brands are JEDO, Chicco, Bebecar and Peg-Perego;

    Baby food. This food appears to be very expensive. Today mashed potatoes, and various mixtures, porridge with water are quite cheap. But, when there is no escape, buy it, nevertheless, necessary. A huge number of young moms face this problem when you cannot feed baby naturally, in this case mashed and mixture come to their aid. The most famous manufacturers of baby food alausa TM Humana and Hipp.

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Author: Artlife
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