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Tea Puer - effect zadovolennya without narcotics

, 21:43
0 1966

Tea Puer lately becoming duzhe popularni slomo in. The great klikot VIN Wearables in Yunnan (one s RAYONU China). TSE - Chorny tea, it is believed that VIN - tamnim. Although I zaraz mi VSI nazywam taqiy napi Yak “Puer”, ale Yogo kolis long Manuali “PU Cha”. Sodom VIN stava all more Sathrabuzanes, and then, instead of prirodno Fermentas often have advatise to shtuchno (VDMA vlastiti I Shu Shen Puer). By the way, in Ukraine pridbati tea Puer sible in Internet magasin .


Chomu tea Puer taqiy popularni?

Right in the fact scho VIN ccawi have bagatoh aspects. First of all, vdmo from NSA sorts, s hour Yogo Smakov quality staute tilki credimi! Usually such a tea bitrimulti 3 rocky I only pochinayut after tsogo Yogo savromate. And if not ticatica to Demba 10-20 years, Puer STA I really duzhe duzhe smacznym!

Before Tim Yak conception savromate Puer, this tea is usually promivayut I zlegka procaryote dwellers, ocistiti product from the saw I scroogeness. Savromate Puer can be 3-10 RSV (whichever od hour nastoyanka tea), and Petey Yogo need young kutkai dwellers rescusitate Yogo Smak I vdcti beautiful plasma. By the way, Puer not only smaczny du?e, ale and corini, after he ocima shelter, DOPOMOGA sloncu I bowel better pracowali and, besides, periscope otvoreno pohlen.

Usually tea Puer prestise have wiggled zelenok, bowls (gnsd) and mlynchik, Hoca townhouse with renovated, piece starenii tea of this mind not what it is on sale I in rosettastone wiggled. The aroma from puero weakly viragini, I deacon people Yogo smell nagada “Dianna” of the earth or the village, and the General asits kogos z gnom. Ale usually after declick Chauvin, stavlennia to puero sminutes at will was terminated.


yaky Efekt nes Tea Puer?

firstly tea Puer tonsu organsm, whichever od hour nastoyanka, and also vpliva silence than cava or another energetic, that mstate great number of cofen, wherein Puer nes in sobi only korine. Chim dovshe nasstoys tea, Tim Silins Yogo Tanzwut lactivist, but smut is not pereborschite. VIN takozh DOPOMOGA to sacerdotisa, proany awareness, sensu songlist, zaspokoi nervou system, improves metabolism rechovin I travelena, normals robot slonkova-cirkovogo tract, Pretoria, we look jasnim and Ocho pilgrim, which deprives from pohmelnogo syndrome. One word Puer has got baslc lcoally of wlasciwosci, VIN yea one iz naybilsh lcoally CAV in in.

Ale of such tea not rekomendatsi Petey on povny ABO, on the contrary, Holodny of slunk. Then Danian napi bude duzhe goreczny Franz ABO then, if it budgetise (propustio, yakscho got booty sleepless night over citanna parusnika ABO distant road on a car), some people p'yut Yogo, for the dwellers rasslabitsya I sannuti, all zaleite from going lyudin. By the way, it skazati scho Tsey tea nerdc p'yut people, that beauty chudnutie, after taqiy napi great VDRIVE appetite. The fact poznakomtes W W CIM napom likely, and VI you can vgcreate for yourself Novi Horizonti smaku I zadovolennya!

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Author: Artlife
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