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Myopia (corocodile): Scho TSE take?

, 12:36
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Myopia - TSE pathology refract, if that proman Peresopnytsia I sbiraetsya poperedu stcwiki, ie focusevent image vdbase not stcwz and in front of her. Have narod myopia castle can soustrot pid Nassau the “korotkosherstnyh”, with that in the first dalacin filthy raspadaetsya, I tilki on duzhe bliski vgscan person of Mauger CDO pobachiti the same or a different subject.

karatasios items that znahoditsya on vgscan nectc, rozmic. Given the pathology of duzhe often sustris have kids scilingo VCU, practical skin 2nd or 3rd scholar Strada on korotkosherstnyh.

Mehanizm development of MOP good vevcani. Zacharovanna proyavlyaetsya in resultat patologiche podoljana full-time abluka, Yak Mauger Buti sparkover ABO razvivatsa in resultat nadmerna picnic navantazhennya. Podoljana abluka intramural perform to razvorotnyh changes have unotron structures of the eyes. Zacharovanna Mauger Buti will projenin ABO manifest in whether yakomu vs booty cause I porsenna Zora digit Pogrebite quality zhittya lyudin. More details, read on meditsinskomu portal .


Causes development of Kolodozero

there is the toll-be called a few more reasons I factorv scho to development of map:

  • Spadkova shelist;
  • Zorov navantazhennya;
  • Newdale the correction Zora;
  • Nepovinne harchuvannya;
  • Sudan zacharovanna;
  • Porsenna s side organs Zora (astigmatism, Cocoate);

Simptomi map

Lyudin, Yak Strada mopu easy fidelity s matovu, won postijno Troitsa, namagala razganata world war z duzhe blisko vgscan. In addition porsenna gastrite Zora, korotkogo person often vjnetcast grown bol, wtamu eyes after the small zarovich avantogen. Tak people don't zdat razganata subject in dalecin, VIN m it seems razmitim, Necdet.


Stupen map

oftalmolog razreshayut three stupen map:

  1. slabka - from 0 to 3 diopters;
  2. mid - from 3 to 6 diopters;
  3. high - more 6 diopters.

in addition Stupina map, I podlet on progreslou I don't progreslou:

  • Progresja myopia - TSE hvoroba, Yak Shvydko razvivatsa I wymaga one year zbilshennya Seeley Ls more than 1 diopter. Given the pathology SDATA provocati uskladnenie I wymaga immediately address hrurgeu virocana;
  • progresja korotkosherstnyh - Mauger razvivatsa push stroke click years, good pData corect not wymaga operational virochana.

Dagnostika karatasios

Diagnosis "myopia" tilki Mauger of postaviti likar-ophthalmologist, after rezultatu abstience, that dopomozhut slasti the povna picture horobi, priznati potrebne treatment. For dagnostika corotation priznaetsa:

  • look around pacta, SBR history;
  • vsultra;
  • perimetry;
  • skiascopy;
  • tonometry;
  • ophthalmoscopy I looked around the head to bottom behind DOPOMOGA special instruments;
  • ultrasound of the eyes.

Results obtienne dopomozhut lcary of postaviti the right diagnosis I priznati treatment.


Treatment map

Treatment corotation conductive declama ways, ukljucujuci the correction Zora, conservative treatment that Chirurgie virochana.

Which method of treatment corotation naybilsh DVI, prisaca likar in the skin cremosa wypadki. Ale Chim as Pact to zvernutisya to lcara ophthalmologist, all the more so chansu on uspsa Aduana.



Prevention Mopac polaha in declick rules, that vkluchaut the right mode harchuvannya I method of life, otrimannya mode of sorovich avantogen. Elementary rules dopomozhut zmenshiti rizik development of corotation.

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Author: Artlife
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