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What is vitamin PP and what is it for

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There are several vitamins that the doctors called vitamin B. One of them is vitamin B3, also called Niacin or vitamin PP. Although it really has some characteristics similar to other representatives of group B, there are several unique properties of this drug can be purchased . This article explores questions about what is vitamin PP, what are its functions in the body, side effects and sources of content as well as recommended for humans dosage.


vitamin PP

the Human body feels the need for Niacin to convert food into energy, and it is no less a need for other vitamins. RR in two active forms-nicotinic acid and nicotinamide-performs this task using the extracted from food proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In fact, eating foods rich in this vitamin, often stimulates the production of energy, which helps you Wake up in the morning, to work productively and actively to spend the day.

the Production of energy is the main function of vitamin e, but it plays another important role in the body – helps to lower cholesterol. But this job only nicotinic acid and not nicotinamide. That's why people who have it elevated, prescribers with a large number of v3. There are special dietary Niacin supplements, but they contain half of what is in the special medications for prescription. Therefore, to lower cholesterol will only fit prescription drugs with vitamin PP, and not an ordinary food Supplement.

several studies have Been conducted, during which linked the required amount of Niacin, with obvious improvements in health status, and found out how useful vitamin PP for humans. For example, Niacinamide can improve joint flexibility and reduce pain and swelling in people with osteoporosis. In addition, Niacin significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. And eating foods rich in vitamin B3, helps prevent diabetes, cataracts, and various heart disease.


Food sources

Most people can get sufficient amounts of nicotinic acid and Niacinamide by simply adhering to a balanced diet. Vitamin B3 is found in many common foods, including yeast, milk, eggs, poultry, lean meat, bread and cereals. In order to provide your body with additional sources of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, be sure to include in your diet foods such as beans, fish and greens. Many products are specially enriched with Niacin, so carefully read the labels on the packaging of food products when shopping in stores.

the market also there are many supplements of vitamin B3. They contain many vitamins, but the concentration of Niacin are higher in comparison with the others.


Side effects

Vitamin PP is a water soluble vitamin and that means it is removed from the body during urination. This usually prevents any problems with the overdose of Niacin. However, if the person has really high levels of vitamin B3 in the body, it can cause serious health problems. Side effects associated with large doses of Niacin – peptic ulcers, skin rashes and liver damage. This can happen because of prescription drugs for reducing high cholesterol levels, so be very careful when taking these drugs. In very rare cases a normal dose of nicotinic acid or nicotinamide can cause skin redness, dizziness, intestinal gas, upset stomach or pain in the oral cavity.

There are some pathologies in which vitamin e can only worsen the situation. If you have liver disease or kidney disease, ulcers of the stomach or intestines, in such cases, you should avoid drinking too much B3. And some can even be caused by nicotinic acid and nicotinamide – for example, the gallbladder disease, unstable angina or gout. So see your doctor if you are in a “risk”.


Symptoms of deficiency

Deficiency of Niacin causes pellagra, a condition that is often accompanied by several unpleasant symptoms – such as skin irritation, digestion problems and diarrhea. In the long term, pellagra may lead to dementia. That's why the need for vitamin e and how important he is. In the early 1900-ies the disease was quite common. Now, however, as most products are enriched with Niacin, pellagra is extremely rare. People suffering from malnutrition, alcoholism or carcinoid tumours, are more at risk of developing Niacin deficiency.



the Recommended daily doses of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide vary depending on age and gender. From birth to 6 months babies need about 2 milligrams (mg) of vitamin e per day. At the age of 7 to 12 months, the number should be at around ??4 mg per day. For children aged 1 to 3 years recommended 6 mg of vitamin B3 per day; 4 to 8 – about 8 mg per day; And from 9 to 13 years of age – about 12 mg per day.

taking into account the rate increases at the age of 14 years daily dose of vitamin e is about 16 mg per day for boys and 14 mg per day for girls. This dose should remain unchanged for the rest of their lives, if only in their organisms do not appear to be a certain pathology or pregnancy. The conditions under which you may need to change the amount of vitamin B3 – high cholesterol, diabetes, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's and cataracts. For these reasons and increases the recommended daily dose of Niacin. Always consult your doctor before you change the number of used vitamin e is not part of the main recommendations for your age group and gender.

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Author: Artlife
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