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, 22:24
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Regular exercise strengthens the body, so if you are not around totadiona or do not want to drive on dusty streets, note the engineering marvel that enhances your health - on which you can find on the Internet at specialized sites. Its use allows for jogging, as they say, "on the spot": at home, in the country, in the office, at the gym. Racetrackwill allow you to practice regularly, no matter what the weather conditions. Regular classes on Treadmill improve health, status and function of the cardiovascular system (and this is the most common cause of death in the world), strengthen muscles, soothe nerves and generally make a person just a little happier prop-governmental success.

Everyone knows, maybe even bored, the phrase "motion - a life." But it's true, and it is especially relevant in our time. What is the secret of longevity of people living 50-100 years ago? It is on the move, because when most of humanity had everything that makes life easier as ourhis contemporaries (cars, tractors, computers and other electronic gadgets and engineering marvel) had to constantly stay in motion, work harder physically. This is just not enough to modern society, and in this trouble and side effects of scientific and technological progress: there is no need to move a lot (got into trucks and drove), domother (all Internet and decides to tell the computer), and hence, society is sick and grows dull. But even in such deplorable conditions, you can, if desired, to give the body a regular substitute load. In this respect mankind has not invented, probably easier, affordable and effective way, besides the usual run.

Author: Artlife
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