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Best films 2012

, 18:41
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Year 2012, as well as any other was filled with a lot of events in a totally different spheres of human gLife Span (political, religious, industrial, medical, cultural, and others). There was an exception in this list and cinema, because this year was to bring the world a few large-scale and long-awaited film premieres, as well as a completely unexpected, but no less impressive films. By the way you can on the website: &Nbsp; try to accentuateVat your attention to the most important from the point of view of both financial and cultural component:

1. "Django liberated". Another creation of Quentin Tarantino, with all its features films of this director. This eccentric band in Western style, with elements of drama and comedy, tells the story of the fate andcooperation between the two seemingly disparate people - a bounty hunter and fugitive slave Negro.

2. "The Dark Knight Rises." Another long-awaited continuation of the story and a dark superhero defender of Gotham City - Batman. This time he confronts a new super villain Bane, and the fate of the city and of the BatNames now depends also on the mysterious Catwoman.

3. "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". The long-awaited continuation of the adventures of hobbits, dwarves and elves from the world Tolkiena. At this time, the film opens the door to another world-famous works of genius of the author - the novel "The Hobbit", the events which, in many respectsWere the forerunner of the "Lord of the Rings".

4. "Legend ¹17". The life story of the legendary Valery Kharlamov.

5. "The Avengers". Another film adaptation of the comic book, bringing together many of the superheroes.

6. "The Dictator". Screwball comedy starring the famous and ckandalnogo comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.

7. "Total Recall". Remake of the famous action movie of the 80s featuring K. Farrell and K. Beckinsale.

8. "The Bourne Legacy". A new milestone in the development history of the spy Jason Bourne, the main role in which Jeremy Renner will play.

9." Duhless. "The life story of a top manager of one of the Russian banks.

10. "Cloud Atlas". Film in the genre of parallel stories of different people whose lives are strangely intertwined in the distance and the time.

Author: Artlife
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