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What is a cartoon

, 18:51
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cartoon - this is one of the genres of contemporary cinematic art. In contrast to the classical cinema, in which the end product - the movie - is created by recordingfilm or digital media environment and motion of objects, cartoon created by creating an illusion of movement initially stationary objects. This process is known as animation or animation (in European and American film industry). Its essence is as follows: initially available set of images or frames,implemented in various ways through appropriate hardware changes to a different frequency due to creating an illusion of movement. The simplest examples of animation can be easily re-create yourself by taking, for example a notebook and on each page by drawing a corresponding movement of a certain phase of the animated object. Then replacing the pagein strict sequence and with greater frequency, it is desirable, you can see how your drawing "moves" on paper. Further transport pattern on the projection screen is accomplished by time-lapse shooting pictures on the camera in a strict sequence. As a genre of cinema, animation has several species differ in the way of creation, etc.odolzhitelnosti and destination. According to the method of creating the original image, draw cartoons are (filming pictures), plasticine (clay objects filming), doll (dolls filming) and computer (creation, processing and synthesis of virtual images, and then combining them into a single film). In duration are completelyand short cartoons. By purpose (the application), there are theatrical cartoons, television.

cartoon - this is one of the genres of contemporary cinematic art. In contrast to the classical cinema, in which the end product - the movie - is created by recording and filmIs digital media environment and movement of objects created by creating an illusion of movement initially stationary objects. This process is known as animation or animation (in European and American film industry). Its essence is as follows: initially available set of images or frames made with differentbenefits, with the appropriate hardware is replaced with a different frequency, because of what creates the illusion of movement. The simplest examples of animation can be easily re-create yourself by taking, for example a notebook and on each page by drawing a corresponding movement of a certain phase of the animated object. Then replacing pages in strict Sequenceelnosti and with greater frequency, it is desirable, you can see how your drawing "moves" on paper. Further transport pattern on the projection screen is accomplished by time-lapse shooting pictures on the camera in a strict sequence. As a genre of cinema, animation has several species differ in the way of creation, duration and prednaznacheniyu. According to the method of creating the original image, draw cartoons are (filming pictures), plasticine (clay objects filming), doll (dolls filming) and computer (creation, processing and synthesis of virtual images, and then combining them into a single film). In duration are full and short multfilmy. By purpose (the application), there are theatrical cartoons, television.

According to the materials


Author: Artlife
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