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A cartoon

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Animated technique based on a two-dimensional figure, it is one of the first tehnEpidemiology create the illusion of motion of objects, which eventually led to the birth of cinema in the form in which we know it today. The first steps in this direction were made in the nineteenth century the outstanding French inventor Emile Reynaud created by a moving optical patterns based on a plurality otdeial drawings. Lesson is at the dawn of animation was, frankly, quite time-consuming, even for a large staff of animators, because every single scene (frame) of the cartoon, which consists of the characters and scenery, it was necessary to draw exactly manually. Over time, to reduce load on the personnel, has been used,so-called layering technology, which apparently is still widely used in digital graphics editors such as Photoshop. Pioneer in the application of this technology is outstanding cartoonist of world renown - Walt Disney. It is based on the principle of superposition of images formed on the transparent film (decoration, mobile andstationary objects). By the way, you can see Disney on &Nbsp; character created and brought about in the world of Disney animation, still have not lost their popularity, they grew more than one generation, and the great work of the creator of the American Academy marked as 26! Oscar statuettes. Among them: Mickey Mouse, Bambi, Cinderellaand, Snow White, Peter Pan, One Hundred and One Dalmatians and others. In the Soviet Union the most important teams of animators were Soyuzmultfilm, Kievnauchfilm, the screen. Modern animation in the classic form of a drawing preserved only in Japanese animated cartoons. &Nbsp;

Author: Artlife
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