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What is urology, urologist who is

, 18:45
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Urology is the branch of medicine that studies the following issues:

  • stones in the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • urinary tract in men and women;
  • the male reproductive system (the external genitalia and prostate);
  • incontinence;
  • tumor;
  • malformations mochevyvoditelnoy system.

Andrology (a kind of Urology) - examines male pathology such as erectile function disorders and infertility.

What is a urologist?

urologist - a qualified medrabotnik dealing with the problems of the male reproductive organs of male and female urinary tract diseases of the adrenal glands. Through the specificity and diversity of these problems urologist should know urology, so Pediatrics, gynecology and other areas of medicine. By the way if you need - then make an appointment to excellent professionals with yearsthey experience you can « Family Medicine Center Faith ».

Species Urology

American Urological Association identified the areas of specialization urologist:

  • erectile dysfunction (impotence);
  • Women's urologistsI;
  • The stones in the urinary tract;
  • Neurology;
  • Oncological Urology;
  • Pediatric urology;
  • Renal transplantation.

When to go to the appointment with the urologist?

In consultation with a urologist should go when you feel a burning sensation, difficulty or urinary retention. The women - is, first and foremost, vaginal dryness and urinary during menopause, and umuzhchin - is primarily associated with prostate disease (multiple nocturnal urination urge).

Author: Artlife
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