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Hair transplant in Turkey

, 11:19
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Today's society, because of its comprehensive openness, which was established thanks to the Internet, television, radio and otherMedia has become highly susceptible to different kinds of "stamps" prejudices. A greater role in public opinion and vision began to play the look and style. This is subject to strong cosmetic and medical industries - everything is done to ensure that everyone could feel on my example, the standard of beauty. In many ways, this applies, of course, women are beautifulhalf of humanity, but modern man began to pay more attention to their appearance and resolve "painful" issues, such as baldness. The problem is, is not so rare, in addition and at a young age. Treat it as you can in different ways: someone says that they say is from an overabundance of testosterone and will consider themselves sexuallygiant, and for someone - this is cause for extra complexes. Whatever it was, but this problem is solved without any problems medically. Excellent base and practical experience in this regard has Turkey. In such as Memorial (Antalya), Acibadem (Maslak), Chevra (Istanbul), Taksim (Istanbul) has been successfully carried out the restoration procedure, etc.ransplantatsii hair. The procedure is performed by two basic methods:

- FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) - donor tissue as a rag with follicles removed from the occipital region. This group of follicles (graft) is transplanted into problemmnuyu zone. This will ensure the effectiveness of the order of 92% (due to the natural disposition and growth of hair);

- FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) - donor tissue (graft) is taken not only from the head, but also from the other parts of the human body. This method is more gentle (compared to FUT), because it does not use a scalpel to isolate grafts, and meansexcludes the possibility of inflammation, scarring, pain discomfort.

The standard procedure transplant takes about 8 hours, and the patient is not feeling the any factors such as anesthesia and psychological pressure, because at that time can freely enjoy watching movies or pass forShivani music. Before you leave be sure to be instructed, and the final effect is achieved within 2-3 months. Through this process in Turkey, you can count on the highest European level of quality of service and a wonderful holiday on the sunny beaches.

Author: Artlife
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