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How to combine colors in clothing

, 15:37
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< p style = "text-align: left;"> Anyone, in varying degrees, is an individual, but put on a series of several similar characters, BPpoison whether the move to determine their fundamental differences. That is why, in order to somehow stand out from the gray mass, a person uses a variety of clothing. This is understandable, since wearing the same clothes assumed at least a sign of bad taste. Immediately reservation that it does not apply to the army and other security agencies, where eit is normal and just as perceived and the rest of society. Choice of clothing - it is quite fascinating, the vulnerability of different trends. For example, modern clothes should be bright, with different colors. This rule does not apply to business clothes, where there is a separate style. Wherein nht - it is also a kind of science, as it enhances the effect of the correct perception. There are several approaches to the choice of colors of clothes and combination of colors:

  • Monochromatic . By using accepted one basic color combinationsand with its different shades;
  • achromatic . Used three colors - black, white and gray. The emphasis are placed with the help of various accessories;
  • Kopmlimentarny . Combining totally different colors, which nevertheless is subject op-determination laws harmonious combination. In this case, to determine the compatibility of different colors using the so-called color wheel.

In addition there are basic colors that have: versatility, a wide palette of combinations, maximum availability for different tsvetotip, multilingualvarieties of various styles. These colors are used to create a functional wardrobe. These include sdela colors: beige, white, brown, gray, blue, black.

Author: Artlife
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