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The french line of medical cosmetics Avene

, 19:51
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AVENE is a line lechebnoy the french cosmetics, which was created by French dermatologists. It has many advantages: it removes skin diseases, redness, eliminates the effects of surgery. It is used for the care of normal and problematic skin, as well as the delicate baby skin. In this cosmetics manufacturer assortment of goods is very greatoh:

1. Purifying water solutions for oily and problem skin.
2. Sunscreen emulsion.
3. Masks for deep cleansing.
4. Cleansing lotion with a matte effect.
5. Regulating smoothing cream.
6. Anti-inflammatory cream.

Ochischayuchy losyon containsactive ingredients that cleanse and nourish the skin. It is composed of natural substances that constrict the pores, give a person shine. Pepo pumpkin extract reduces the composition of subcutaneous fat. Zinc gluconate has propivospalitelnoe action. Aven thermal water contains a sedative, uspokayuschee means. Sun emulsiya promotes izcheznoveniyuskin defects, reduces the risk of irritation. Deep cleansing mask effectively removes dirt and cleanses the skin. Reguliruyuchy cream razglazhyvaet wrinkles and the appearance of new pripyatsvuet. These products are a series of Aven created for hygiene and skin care. Thanks to them reduces the number of inflammatory foci sensitivity of the skin, has a pleasantny slight odor. This series of cosmetics has mnoletny experience and authority among regular users and this is a direct proof of its effectiveness. Use of this series of gels and creams will give your skin an incredible freshness and health.


Author: Artlife
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