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What is bilirubin?

, 01:12
0 2444

Bilirubin - the pigment that is formed after the breakdown of hemoglobin, which is contained in the samelchi and serum. If elevated bilirubin pigment may develop jaundice. With the destruction of   erythrocyte hemoglobin is released, after which it turns into bilirubin. The one that was formed just from hemoglobin is very harmful to the body and is called direct. Indirect bilirubin is very poisonous and toxic catory formed from hemoglobin. Determine the bilirubin by biochemical analysis from a vein on an empty stomach. Normal bilirubin is 8.5 to 20.5 micromoles per 1 liter (indirect   – 17,1 micromoles per 1 liter, direct - stake to 4.3 per 1 liter). Causes Increased bilirubin is accelerated destruction of red blood cells, disturbances, etc.otsessa processing in the liver, as well as disturbances in the biliary outflow. With a high rate of destruction of red blood cells - increases hemoglobin, bilirubin and then. Indirect bilirubin is increased if there is hemolytic anemia, which felt under the left edge of   enlargement of the spleen and proceeds with increased body temperature and urine during etth dark. An important role in bilirubin metabolism plays liver in diseases that indirect kind   not neutralized and can develop different types of viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and then liver cancer and more. Another reason may be heredity, in which the body lacks the enzyme liver - glyukuroniltransferazyd. Also bilirubin may rise due to violation of outflows or bile from the gallbladder.

Author: Artlife
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