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Carrot Kisel

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Carrot Kisel of Artlife company

Carrot Kisel - a natural product, beneficial to both children and adults. His daily intake promotes the harmonious growth and development of children, strengthen immunity, protection against infections and colds.

Carrot has a beneficial effect on the eyes, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries.

Also, this beloved vegetable is rich in minerals such as iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and potassium salts. There are lots of B vitamins, PP, K, E and C. Carrots useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Due to the high content of beta-carotene, its use prevents the risk of stroke several times!

In order to enhance the healing effect when used carrot jelly, it is further enriched with vitamins.

Vitamin A is called the vitamin of growth, so it is especially useful for children. It promotes mental and physical development of children and strengthens his body, increases resistance to infectious diseases.

In addition, the large benefit of vitamin A for vision. It ensures proper operation of the retina.

Vitamin E - is a powerful antioxidant that is, protects cells from harmful effects, is also involved in protein synthesis, providing oxygen to tissues. It is especially important enough to the diet of pregnant women.

Vitamin C is essential for normal functioning of the immune system, so the need for vitamin C is especially great in infectious diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin B3 is essential for normal functioning of the central nervous system (memory and thinking), as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

Dihydroquercetin - reduces blood viscosity, increases strength and elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries.

Rutin - normalize and supports and the permeability of blood vessels, a mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action.

Taurine - promotes energy metabolism in the body, lowers cholesterol, but also important for the growth of the organism.

Ingredients: powdered sugar, potato starch, juice concentrate, carrot powder, citric acid, taurine, and flavoring food carrots, natural dyes, carmine, curcumin, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), sucralose, rutin, lavitol 88% (dihydroquercetin), vitamin B3 ( nicotinic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin A (retinol acetate).

Author: Artlife
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