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Potion factory Artlife

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Potion factory Artlife

Everyone knows the expression "Russian good health." Now a rare man can boast of such a health, but at the time of our ancestors, it was the norm, was famous throughout the world, came into proverbs and sayings. Despite the harsh weather conditions, heavy daily work, people had a huge stock of health that will permit to explore new lands, to reflect raids, to give birth to many children, etc. What was the source of the legendary health? Why we are not so strong and willing, often resist the negative influences from the outside? Lost the most important mechanisms of adaptation that are owned by our ancestors. In Slavic culture, there was a special experience in natural health and healing, which was built on the basis of domestic traditions and rituals. Russian physical education, wrestling, fist fights, hardening in the hole, Bath, the tradition of healthy eating and drinking herbal potions - all this was a system of a healthy lifestyle.

Today more than ever urgent search and development nemedekamentoznyh ways to increase resistance to adverse environmental factors, methods of recovery after stress, prevent premature aging. The company "Artlife" gathered and examined the knowledge possessed by our ancestors handed down to us making recipes and the use of herbal - the art of collecting, harvesting and use of herbs once called zeleynichestvom. It has been carefully selected the best environmentally friendly raw materials for the manufacture of unique products, which together constitute a system of adaptation.

Adaptation - the foundation of health in modern conditions, so the effect of food
Potion factory is aimed at strengthening the mechanisms of adaptation to different conditions and situations, and taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. How can I take into account all possible factors and characteristics of an organism? As an innovative company, "Artlife" we can also use advanced achievements of scientific thought to create a truly effective system of health. When developing products, Potion factory was based on traditional recipes zeleynichestva combined with modern scientific approach: the theory of connective tissue biology and medicine, and the classification of types A.A.Alekseeva M.V.Chernorutskogo constitution.

Type the Constitution - is a genetic factor that determines the initial level of health. The classification of body types, according to Chernorutskii, represented by three types: astenikov, normostenik, hypersthenics. You can determine the type of constitution by the formula: height (cm) - (weight (kg) + breast volume at rest (cm)). If the difference is greater than 30 - asthenic type of constitution, if the difference is less than 10 - hypersthenic type if 10 to 30 - normostenichesky.

Each type has a predisposition to certain diseases that may develop under the influence of unfavorable factors. Necessary to correct conditions that may lead to the development of disease. Typically, this occurs during periods of seasonal weakening of immunity, after the stress in situations of special stress on the body. "Zeleynaya Factory" provides a formula to adapt and maintain the health of every day:

"Sorokotravnik" - the main product of a strong health, universal support and disease prevention for people of all constitutional types. This is necessary in modern conditions "spoon health and youth," for every day.

Herbs that are part of this product anciently taken as a beverage, in the form of decoctions and infusions to maintain health and prevent various diseases. The drug "Sorokotravnik" made in the form of paste, the consistency helps to maximize absorption of nutrients by the body.

Daily long-term use for high performance, supports the immune, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, lymph, sensory, urinary, reproductive systems and musculoskeletal system. Increased resistance to various diseases, adverse environmental conditions, mental and physical stress, stress. It is recommended to take "Sorokotravnik" to 1 teaspoon two times daily.

Infusions-correctors, "Noble", "OK" and "Mighty": suitable for people on the type of the Constitution respectively astenikov, normostenik, hypersthenics. Effects of infusions intended to maintain the systems of the body during periods of seasonal exacerbations of chronic disease and correction of predisposition to disease in people of different body types. The composition of each infusion is carefully selected, taking into account characteristics of the type of constitution, for which it was intended. It is recommended receive infusions, proofreaders courses 2-3 times a year (or more).

Mnogotravniki - situational correctors, which are taken courses 1 or more times a year in situations where the body needs special support.
• Mnogotravnik life-giving - a tonic and adaptogenic agent. Normalizes the nervous system. It is used in sports overload, acclimatization, intense mental and physical work to recover from operations, illnesses.

• Mnogotravnik rejuvenating - a fortifying agent. It has a unique effect of rejuvenation of the organism as a whole, enhances the natural beauty, regulates the digestive tract and liver, helps cleanse of toxins, toxins. Applied after the intoxication, illness, antibiotics, with the appearance of external signs of fatigue, fading, long-term negative impact of external factors

• Mnogotravnik Oberezhny - immunomodulating agent. Enhances the function of adaptation to external conditions, increases resistance to disease. It is used during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases, increased psycho-emotional and physical overload.

In the future product portfolio,
Potion factory will be supplemented broths, cosmetics for face, hair and body, means for a bath, a functional food in the traditional Russian recipes (soup, cereal, beverages, etc.).

Potion factory" offers not just a system of products, and the system of healthy lifestyles in general, based on values ​​such as knowledge of and reverence for their traditions and closeness to nature, a daily concern for health and longevity of his and his family, which appears in the right nutrition, physical activity, harmonious biorhythms, use of natural herbal medicines.

In the sale catalog for enrolled consumers with information about the philosophy and the products
Potion factory. In the near future will be sending video webinar with the Deputy Director for Science A. Vekovtseva, scientific advisor to NV Shilova and a representative of the Marketing Department. Will be provided with detailed information about the sale of special tools Potion factory that will bring to the traditional theme of a healthy lifestyle as possible to a wider audience and increase sales.

Good health!

Author: Artlife
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