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My opinion about the beauty salon Dali

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Over the years, I began to notice that the skin requires more care than the one that I could doHome alone with ready-made cosmetic means. That's why I decided it was time to go to a beauty salon. Fortunately, I discovered a great, modern salon. His friends encouraged me, saying that here provide quality and necessary procedures for skin rejuvenation, while the cost of services is not youthan in other places.
about the choice I do not regret, though, be honest, experienced, because sensitive skin requires special care, and in the salons are usually used strong drugs. Specialist interior « Dali » I recommend retinoic peels. Why him? Master explained to me that it is unique in its effect,as an active, stimulates the skin to renew, forcing her to work.
In this kind of peeling, as I learned later, involved fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, resulting hyaluronic acid begins to form, as is well known, it was she - the main fighter against wrinkles. Of course, the mainselection criterion was the fact that this procedure can be performed even for people with thin and very sensitive skin, because it is not a shock treatment, but rather delicate, which acts on the complex structure of the epidermis.
I can say for sure, I have considerably decreased pigmentation, that old face, as well as remove some vozrastnye changes, in particular, fell boring wrinkles and age. In general, after the retinol peeling me improve skin texture, its relief. I had another problem – wide, open pores, so to the positive aspects of their visit to the salon attribute a significant decrease.
Especially nice wasto hold his hand over his face, because it is after the procedure is very smooth, sometimes it seems that it is even a slight pearlescent shade. This effect, as I understand, has appeared on the skin refreshed, « left » old cells, which gave the face a grayish hue.
If you compare my present state with what it was before, I note,whiten skin, reduce wrinkles, and the effect was evident for a long time. Thank salon « Dali » Peeling for the quality and high spirits, which does not leave me until now. Professional activities specialist attention and cozy atmosphere did their job now I want to return only this room.

Svetlana (Donetsk)


Author: Artlife
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