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Hernia and its Treatment

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The hernia - a condition in which there is a release of CAwhom an organ under the skin of the abdomen through a hole or weakness in the abdominal wall directly. Hernias are even in infants, namely, umbilical (more detail about it read).

Inguinal hernia

One of the most popular types of hernia is an inguinal hernia. In 70%hernia cases this takes place is through the inguinal ring and therefore is called oblique inguinal hernia. Perhaps the appearance of a hernia due to weakening of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, hernias are called straight. They usually occur in men over 40 years.

Treatment of hernia

Cannedativnost hernia is not present. So-called bandages is not a method of treatment and can not stop the progression of a hernia and avoid complications. Hernias treated surgically. The purpose of the operation - to remove the shell and strengthen the hernia hernial ring. This is the fundamental provisions of both open and endoscopic surgery.

How is an open surgery for hernia?

The operation is performed under local or under spinal anesthesia. There are two ways plastics hernial ring: own tissues (ie autoplasty) and using sitchatiheksplantiv (grid). Plastic own tissues shows roofingto young patients, as well as the initial stages of the formation of a hernia. European Association herniology (EuropeanHerniaSociety, 2009), for autoplasty recognized only treatment of inguinal hernias - a technique for Sholdisu (Shouldice). The advantage of this method provided by the smallest number of relapses: 1.5-2, 3% (B. Devlin,1995), which were observed after analyzing numerous randomized trials worldwide. The big advantage of plastics own tissues is the fact that the body does not remain foreign material, which is a synthetic mesh.

In the event that the anatomy of the inguinal area is significantly impaired due to the large Herniagates, more reliable is the use of synthetic plastic materials are made from biologically inert material (eg - polypropylene).   The most common cause of recurrent hernias may be the anatomical features of abdominal wall weakness tissue in hernias and - poor performance of the operation: the wrong choice of mMethod of operation (application « old » methods of operation), the technical shortcomings of the operation, the lack of experience of new treatments, etc. .

In general, each waiver of operations should be discussed in detail together a surgeon, an anesthetist and consultant specialist (such as cardiology, pulmonology, etc.), and agreed withpatients and patient relatives.

Thus, usually the very existence of hernia almost absolute indication for surgery.

How long does the treatment of hernia?

In the case of laparoskopichnoigernioplastiky the patient is in the hospital an average of 2-3 days. When open surgery patient treatment lasts 3-5 days. &Nbsp; Return to active life is possible after 1-2 weeks after discharge.

Author: Artlife
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