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Physiological response curve assessment of the child to exercise

, 13:59
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The evaluation of the child's reaction to physical activity during lesson conducted by constructing physiologistscurve. To construct determine heart rate of two or three children before the lesson, after every part of it, after the individual sets of exercises or mobile games and at the end of the lesson for the restoration of the original value of the pulse. With proper construction of the lesson and the adequacy of exercise physiological capabilities authorityism child's physiological curve is characterized by a gradual increase in heart rate during the introductory and preparatory part of the lesson, a high level (an increase of 80-100% of the initial value of the pulse) - in the main part, and a gradual decrease in the final part of the lesson (at the end of the lesson pulse should be 20-30%yshe its initial value).

Low lift and smooth the top edge of the physiological curve suggests a lack of physical activity. Mnogozubchastaya physiological curve points to long periods of inactivity between exercises with a high physical activity. The sharp increase in pulse rate, lack of expressedNoah downward trend at the end of the lesson is a sign of excessive exercise. It should be noted that the pulse response depends on the load and the level of preparedness of the body to her child and the typological characteristics of the nervous system and the nature of physical exercise (their emotional, innovation and motivation for youcomplements a child).

Medical staff schools or assigned to them by specialists of medical institutions, according to the schedule agreed with the administration should be at least once a quarter to assess the reaction of students to exercise during lessons in different classes by constructingphysiological curve followed by analysis of the lesson as a whole and bringing the findings to the administration of an educational institution.

Medical-pedagogical supervision in the classroom with students of preparatory and special medical group has its own characteristics and is conducted more deeply. Thus, before, after and during training(depending on the task), along with the heart rate studied blood pressure, lung capacity, muscular strength, performed or klinoortostatichna orthostatic tests, electrocardiogram, variation pulsometry (method R. M. Baevsky), and others. As a result, children may study be issued on osvobozhdenii of physical education.

The efficiency of physical training of pupils primary and preparatory groups determined by the dynamics (negative or positive) indicators of acute morbidity during the year, compared with the previous calendar year (count the health index, the averagespine acute disease, the number of cases per year), physical development and harmony, the result of the control motor tests.

Author: Artlife
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