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Vaccinations - facts and statistics

, 11:14
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In most countries, and in Russia in particular, are beginning to conduct vaccine prophylaxis immediately after Birthof a child in the first few days. During this period, children are vaccinated against tuberculosis and hepatitis B streptococcal infections (chiteyte more detail here:), and all other immunizations according to the national calendar of scheduled vaccinations are carried out during the first year of life.

Monitoring of Infectious sabolevany suggests that today in the world with 14 million. deaths associated with infectious diseases, the cause of about 3 million was a disease that could prevent the timely vaccination. It should be noted that in countries where there is a high level of vaccination of people, including Russia, the majority of infections inznikayut only sporadically, so the doctors and the people themselves do not pay attention to their danger.

What the vaccine is present in Russia?

In the mass vaccination there is a paradoxical situation, which is that increasing the range and number of vaccines, amid thereby reducing support heights disease infections which give complications and can cause death. But in parallel with the number of inoculations increases the number of side effects, although the relative amount of side effects caused by the vaccine, is rather low. Thus, for example, encephalitis can occur in only one out of thousands of humanand infected, and when the vaccination - only one person in a million. As already said, vaccination should be carried out at the appropriate time, which is defined by the national calendar, due to the availability of the vaccines, their safety and efficacy impact on children. In addition, also takes into account the epidemiological sitution, that is, the spread of certain diseases in the country. Russia has used domestic and imported vaccines. In general, they are of sufficient quality and proven by numerous studies and tests. Domestic vaccines are constantly checked during manufacture and application.

Why do parents failuresvayutsya from vaccinated child?

Despite the fact that the use of vaccines is an internationally recognized method of preventing infectious diseases, many of the parents are suspicious of vaccination. At the same time the most common motivation for refusal of vaccination:

  • Confidence that the risk of a particular infection minimum;
  • Confidence in the presence of better protection against infection;
  •   The belief that the child is still recover;
  • The probability of complications after vaccination the child;
  • Partial distrust of doctors in particular, the official medicine as a whole;
  • The religious beliefs.

Valid vaccinations are dangerous for the child?

In order to answer this question, it should consider possible post-vaccination reactions and possibleeffects. It should be noted immediately that there is no absolutely safe vaccines. The introduction of any of a number of these drugs is always a natural reaction of the body, which is often characterized by clinical manifestations. These symptoms are called a normal reaction to the vaccination, which indicates a change in the body by the action inKeeping vaccines.

Conventional vaccination reactions can be general and local. Recent manifested as redness, induration, local occurrence of pain. In this land with these phenomena must not exceed 8 cm in diameter, and the seal, redness and pain appear almost immediately after the introduction of Islandsktsiny. All this takes place within 3-4 days. Such a reaction to the vaccine occurs in 5-15% of vaccinated children, regardless of the type of vaccines.
General normal reactions to the vaccine are manifested in the form of temperature rise, short-term toxicity (headache, malaise, insomnia, lack of appetite). They are:

  • Weak (the temperature rose to 37.5 degrees in the absence of other symptoms);
  • High strength (the temperature in the range of 37.6 - 38.5 degrees);
  • Strong (the temperature exceeds 38.6 degrees with pronounced symptoms of intoxication).

In children vaccinated with live vaccines, normal grafting reaction takes place in the form of symptoms of the organs that are affected accordingly infectious zabolevaniem. That is, with measles vaccination, in addition to intoxication and fever may also occur runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, hyperemia of the pharynx. After being vaccinated against rubella may also appear runny nose, cough, joint pain, and rash. These symptoms are usually short-lived, and in the case of the introduction of non-living vaccines, they continue tot 1 to 3 days. If vaccination was used live vaccine, symptoms can appear within 3-5 days. Period of occurrence of the reactions may also vary depending on the types of vaccines. After nonliving vaccines reaction arises from the 1st to the 3rd day after the immunization - the first day, and after the live vaccines - in the period from the 5th to 14th day, with a peak of symptoms8 th - 11 th days.

If the temperature does not rise, and there are no other clinical manifestations, such vaccination should be considered for asymptomatic. It should also be noted that the frequency of the normal process of vaccinations will depend on the vaccine used.

Author: Artlife
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