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The lashes: what is it

, 16:32
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Every woman at heart wants to have beautiful expressive eyes that will Shine delightfully. Eyelashes, in turn, should be characterized by the length and fluffiness. It is clear that such eyelashes by nature few have, therefore, no painted expensive ink or tighten up - the same effect as "butterfly kiss," you will never achieve. To vyresit the problem of sparse and fine lashes famous Hollywood person created a very inexpensive and simple technique that touches the eyelash. By the way, if you need to choose , how to do it correctly you can read on the website:


what is the procedure?

eyelash extensions is a procedure, which is conducted through attaching a certain glue to the base of the existing eyelashes a few bundles of artificial eyelashes. This procedure is often done only in certain salons and highly skilled craftsman in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.


extended eyelashes are typically divided into:

  • Black and brown
  • the
  • Short, medium, long;
  • the
  • Those that are made from artificial or natural fibers.

Specialist often selects length of eyelashes for each client individually, because it depends on the condition of your own eyelashes, what is the shape of the eye, what are your preferences or to what particular situation. For example, the evening version is recommended to build up longer lashes, which help to create an image of "movie star". When the spotlight, surrounded by many handsome men, you have the appearance of a beautiful goddess. If you need eyelashes for everyday options, they should be of medium length and only at the edges longer. Despite this restraint, you will have a natural and gorgeous look every time will be clapping thick and long lashes in response to the wrath of his superiors.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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