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App for cell phone Life4Me+

, 18:19
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a diagnosis like HIV, are able to completely different ways to change the life of an infected person personally and all his relatives, friends and acquaintances. For many people, these the diagnosis becomes a real surprise, and often causes psychological crisis. HIV-infected person does not know what to do next, he's depressed, afraid to infect other people, and also fears of infringement of their rights due to their illness. That's why, 1st time immediately after the detection of HIV, people in need of support and psychological help.

more recently, in the Global Web appeared mobile that can significantly ease the life of HIV-positive people. It is available in Russian language for Android OS and iOS on the website



Life4Me+ has the following functions:

  • the latest information about life with HIV and its prevention;
  • Reminders about taking medications (antiretroviral drugs);
  • setup continuous communication with the doctor (this communication is anonymous, since it is not necessary to specify their own personal data). In order to register the application does not need to enter their name, address or mobile phone number. The doctor gets information on the health status of the patient, directly on its base it is able to assign the session to a more detailed examination or treatment correction. The patient can contribute to the registry the results of the analysis of his blood,but the doctor is able to observe the dynamics of change;
  • it Is possible to make such indicators as: the volume of the body, weight and height. The patient has the opportunity to record your subjective feelings about treatment and also indicate the manifestation of an Allergy or intolerance to prescribed medications.


Today people with HIV are often faced with a huge number of problems, for example: where to undergo rehabilitation, to psychological support and to find a good clinic. Specially for these purposes in the aforementioned mobile app is another option, such as “Map” of directly listing all the specials. clinics for HIV-positive people, and also centers of psychological support.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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